Ultramag Inspection Services Ltd

Unit 4V, Central Crescent, Marchwood Industrial Park, Southampton SO40 4BJ
+44 (0)23 8086 1010
Chris Simmonds
Email address:
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Affiliations & Approvals:
  • BSI Registered Firm
  • Service Inspection Group (SIG) Member (BINDT)
  • UKAS Accredited Laboratory
  • UKAS Inspection Body

As a UKAS inspection body and BEIS appointed body as a recognised third-party organisation for PE(S)R, Ultramag Inspection Services Ltd offer welding procedure qualifications, welder qualification tests and issues full documentation to ISO 15619, ISO 15614, ISO 9609, BS 4872, ASME IX and AWS D1.1, within the UKAS scope of accreditation. Under ISO 17025, Ultramag carries out fracture testing, bend testing, hardness testing and macro examination, ensuring a very quick turnaround on welded samples. Only UKAS-accredited laboratories are used for additional testing.

Personnel are qualified to PCN, SNT, NAS 410, EN 4179 and CSWIP. Ultramag has LR, BV and DNV approvals for ultrasonic thickness surveys. Client approvals are held for aerospace work. The major industries covered are structural steelwork, pipelines, nuclear, marine, aerospace, defence, wind turbines, bridges, material stockists, pressure pipework and vessels, automotive and general fabrications and machining.

Within the Welding Technology department, Ultramag's new building in Rushington allows for mechanical testing, NDT training and welder training, which can be followed by a welder qualification test. Currently, mechanical testing, material evaluation and the shipping department operate from this location. NDT, pressure testing and radiography for large components remain at Marchwood. Site testing is offered at any location, nationally and overseas.

Ultramag holds ISO 17020, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 17025 accreditation.

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