Governance Committees


The Institute has a number of groups that meet the specific needs of members with particular interests.

Figure 1 shows some of the groups that exist at the time of writing. Further groups may be established as topics arise.

Current Governance Committees include:

Membership of all groups is open to members (and in some cases non-members) at no additional charge. Group members benefit from discussion of current topics of interest or controversy and from the interchange of views between individuals all sharing a specific common interest. As a group, they can influence affairs that they couldn’t as individuals.

For further information, contact Cindy Bailey at the Secretariat (

Establishment Review Panel The members of the Finance Committee also form the Establishment Review Panel (ERP), which has responsibility for reviewing and agreeing any and all material changes in:
  • Staff headcount and/or number of full-time equivalents (FTEs)
  • Staff salaries, bonus payments, pension and other employment benefits
  • Staff organisation chart
  • Institute’s premises and/or facilities
  • Insurance cover
  • Operational matters
  • Review of partnerships
  • Other matters as required.

Finance Committee The Finance Committee comprises the President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Institute CEO and is responsible for:
  • Drafting the Institute’s annual budget
  • Overseeing the production of quarterly management accounts
  • Presenting financial reports to Council
  • Liaising with the Institute’s accountants
  • Development and oversight of effective financial controls
  • Monitoring the Institute’s investments
  • Liaising with the Institute’s Finance Department staff and the Branch Honorary Treasurers as necessary to ensure that Branch finances are captured in the Institute’s statutory accounts
  • Review of off-budget expenditure requests for recommendation to Council.

Governance Advisory Committee The minimum composition of the Governance Advisory Committee (GAC) is the Honorary Secretary, President, President Elect, Honorary Treasurer, Institute CEO and external advisers, including legal,financial and compliance. The external advisors will include an expert in charity law, an expert in charity accounting and an expert in certification body compliance. Other senior officers and committee chairs may participate in the GAC where appropriate.

Responsibilities of the GAC include:
  • Monitoring the Institute’s compliance with its governance obligations, particularly with respect to charity regulations, company law, the Institute’s Articles of Association and Bye-Laws
  • Establishing panels to deal with actual or potential breaches of the requirements contained within the Institute’s governance documents:
    • Articles of Association
    • Bye-Law 1 – Constitution of Council
    • Bye-Law 2 – Organisation, Structure and Control of the Institute’s Committees
    • Bye-Law 3 – Rules for Branches
    • Bye-Law 4 – Impartiality.
  • Conducting an annual audit and review of the Institute’s governance arrangements. Any recommendations resulting from this review will be passed to the Institute’s Council and the relevant committees and staff
  • Making appropriate and timely recommendations to Council on any matter affecting the Institute’s governance.
In making recommendations to Council, the GAC will ensure that the appropriate external advisor(s) has been involved.
