The role of NDT in the assessment of asset integrity seminar and Burns Supper 2025

Friday 31 January 2025
The Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow, UK 

This one-day seminar, will take place from 10h00-15h00 at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Beardmore Street, Clydebank, Glasgow G81 4SA, on Friday 31 January 2025.

Asset integrity management (AIM) has evolved as an economic but targeted methodology that is designed to optimise the operational life and safety of ageing power and process plant. The process requires close collaboration between a range of inspection and assessment disciplines:
  • Risk based inspection (RBI)
  • Written schemes of examination (WSE)
  • Plant (visual) inspection
  • Condition monitoring (CM)
  • NDT (encompassing non-invasive inspection (NII))
  • Fitness for service (FFS) assessments
  • Run/repair/replace decision-making.

This seminar will explain the various stages and describe the role and importance of NDT in the AIM process. It will include several presentations by field experts and a panel discussion supported by an exhibition of NDT providers and equipment suppliers.

The seminar will be of interest to anyone with a role or interest in plant integrity. It is an exceptional CPD opportunity for all and for NDT personnel to gain PCN points.

The Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel is located on the banks of the River Clyde in Glasgow, only a ten-minute walk from Dalmuir Station and a 20-minute drive from the city centre and airport.

BINDT has secured a limited number of bedrooms at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel at significantly discounted rates. Please ensure your accommodation booking is completed as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as rooms will be allocated on a strictly ‘first-come, first-served’ basis.

Booking information
Standard room – single occupancy with full breakfast£105.00 including VAT per night
Standard room – double occupancy with full breakfast£115.00 including VAT per night 

To book accommodation and secure the allocated discounted rates for the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Beardmore Street, Clydebank, Glasgow G81 4SA, contact the hotel directly by telephone at +44 (0)141 951 6006 or email, stating that you are attending the BINDT Scottish Branch Seminar. The reservations team will require card details to secure the booking. 

To view or download the seminar booking form, click here.

(all technical presentations will be held in the Auditorium, the exhibition will be held in the Central Plaza
and the Burns Supper will be held in the Beardmore)

09h30-10h20Registration, exhibition, networking and tea/coffee
Morning session chairs: Fraser Hardie, Scottish Branch Member and Mark Perston, Evident Europe GmbH – UK Branch
10h20-10h30 Welcome and introduction to the seminar Fraser Hardie, Scottish Branch Member, UK
An integrity management journey
Iain McDowall, Altrad Babcock, UK
Practical robotics applications for asset integrity
Marc Whitton, Air Control Entech, UK
NDT validation – An operators view
Conor Douglas, BP, UK
11h45-12.00 Exhibitor spotlight session:
11.45-11.46 Technology Design Ltd
11.46-11.47 Eddyfi Technologies
11.47-11.48 RSL NDT Ltd
11.48-11.49 Agility NDE Ltd
11.49-11.50 Guided Ultrasonics Ltd
11.50-11.51 Peak NDT Ltd
11.51-11.52 Argyll Ruane Ltd
CAN Group
Evident Europe GmbH – UK Branch
Inspection Connection Ltd
Sonatest Ltd
The Phased Array Company (TPAC)
University of Northampton 
12h00-14h00Lunch, exhibition and tea/coffee
Afternoon session chair: Professor Tony Gachagan, University of Strathclyde
Inspection engineering – The PCN approachPaul Wilkinson, Wilkinson Coutts, UK
NDT and asset integrity – A nuclear perspectiveBlair Forrest and David Bell, EDF, UK
14h50-15h30Exhibition and tea/coffee
15h30-16h10 Panel and discussion sessionProfessor Tony Gachagan, Mark Perston, Fraser Hardie, Iain McDowall, Marc Whitton, Conor Douglas,
Paul Wilkinson, Blair Forrest and David Bell
16h10Seminar close 
18h00-19h00Networking/Bar opens
19h00-23h30 Burns Supper starts in the Beardmore

An NDT table-top exhibition will take place from 10h00-16h00. The exhibition is open to all members, non-members, visitors and students FREE of charge. (Free attendance does not include lunch). Delegates of the seminar have the opportunity to visit the exhibition during the tea/coffee and lunch breaks.

To view or download the exhibitor booking form, click here.

Stand number Company
2Agility NDE Ltd
11Argyll Ruane Ltd
8CAN Group
4Eddyfi Technologies
13Evident Europe GmbH – UK Branch 
7Guided Ultrasonics Ltd
10Inspection Connection Ltd
3Peak NDT Ltd
9Sonatest Ltd
1Technology Design Ltd
5The Phased Array Company (TPAC)
12University of Northampton

In the evening from 18h00 for 19h00, following a networking period, the venue will host the Annual Burns Supper, a celebration of the life and works of Robert Burns, with music, songs and dancing.

Individual tickets or company tables can be booked, subject to availability. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

To view or download the Burns Supper booking form, click here.

For further information contact:
Events and Awards Department, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300; Email: