Workshop on requirements for regulatory, insurance and legal acceptance of automated decision-making in NDT, SHM and CM technologies

13-14 May 2025
Congress Centre, Great Russell Street, London, UK 

Whilst progress continues to be made in automating
the analysis, interpretation and sentencing of data
from non-destructive testing (NDT), structural health monitoring (SHM) and condition monitoring (CM) technologies, the deployment of such capability is subject to the support of insurers, regulators and the development and interpretation of case law in all the sectors where non-destructive evaluation (NDE) related technologies are used. This workshop aims to address the needs of these disciplines in preparation for future applications.

This workshop brings together regulators, insurers and lawyers from multiple sectors together with the NDE,
SHM and CM community to address the opportunities and challenges presented by future applications of automated decision-making. The aim is to generate a document that captures the requirements of these disciplines and ‘what success looks like’ for future
NDT, SHM and CM technologies.

To view or download a booking form, click here.

Exhibitor information A commercial session for exhibitors will run alongside the workshop, on Tuesday 13 May 2025, showcasing the latest products, innovations and technology available to industry. This is an excellent opportunity for visitors to meet with industry colleagues, network and learn about the very latest NDT, CM and SHM technologies and services available from around the world.

There is a restriction on the number of spaces available and they are allocated on a 'first-come, first-served' basis. If you are interested in exhibiting at this event or for further information, contact Karen Cambridge ( or Sharon McNally ( To download an exhibitor booking form, click here.

The price covers the attendance of one person per stand at the one-day exhibition including lunch and tea/coffee breaks.

 Member of BINDT, FESI or RCNDE  Non-members  
  £150.00  £195.00 

Stand number Company
TBCTieval Ltd

Day one – Tuesday 13 May 2025
09.30-10.00Registration, tea, coffee and networking
10.00-10.10Welcome and introductionPete Loftus, RCNDE, UK
10.10-10.30 Title to be confirmed Speaker to be confirmed 
10.30-10.50 Title to be confirmed Speaker to be confirmed 
10.50-11.20 Tea, coffee and networking 
11.20-11.50Keynote: Medial experience with automated technologyRichard Scott, NHS, UK
11.50-12.50 Lunch, demonstrations and networking

Session 1: Context
Chair: Martyn Wright, Lloyd's Register, UK
12.50-13.10Opportunities for automated decision-making in NDEBruce Drinkwater, University of Bristol, UK
13.10-13.30NDE Roadmap view and 4.0 maturity scalesSpeaker to be confirmed
13.30-13.50The human elementJonathan Earthy, Lloyd's Register, UK
BINDT viewDavid Gilbert, BINDT, UK
14.10-14.40 Tea, coffee and networking
 Session 2: Sectoral perspectives on the opportunities and challenges Chair to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Speaker to be confirmed
15.00-15.20 Title to be confirmedSpeaker to be confirmed
15.20-15.40 Title to be confirmed Speaker to be confirmed
15.40-16.00 Title to be confirmed Speaker to be confirmed 
16.00-16.30 Summary of day one
Close of day one 

Day two – Wednesday 14 May 2025
09.00-09.30Registration, tea, coffee and networking
09.30-09.40 Welcome and plan for the dayPete Loftus, RCNDE, UK 
 Session 3: Breakout discussion
Chair: Pete Loftus, RCNDE, UK 
09.40-10.30What would automated decision-making in NDE look like and the steps towards it

10.30-11.00Capture the output

11.00-11.30Tea, coffee and networking
 Session 4: Regulatory, insurance and legal perspectives Chair: Martyn Wright, Lloyd's Register, UK
Introduction to Session 4Simon Mills, BINDT Technical Committee Chair, UK
11.40-12.00 Legal perspectivesSpeaker to be confirmed
12.00-12.20 Regulatory perspectivesPeter Amin, Lloyd's Register, UK
12.20-12.40 Insurance perspectives Speaker to be confirmed 
Lunch and networking

 Session 5: Breakout session
Chair to be confirmed
13.40-14.30 What needs to happen to achieve regulatory, insurance and legal acceptance of automated decision-making

14.30-15.00 Breakout debrief

 Session 6: Concluding panel session
Chair: Pete Loftus, RCNDE, UK
15.00-15.30 Panel session for requirements capture

Close of day two

For further information contact:
Events and Awards Department, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300; Email: