Publications Awards
Institute Awards
The William Gardner Award
Award criteria
Purpose: For the best paper published in the Proceedings of the NDT Annual Conference by a person in the early stages of their career (subject to a satisfactory oral presentation). The person concerned (or one of them, if there is more than one author who qualifies) must also present the paper in person at the conference and, at the discretion of the session chair, answer any questions from the audience.
Details of the award: A certificate and a cash sum of £300. Also, free membership of the Institute at an appropriate grade for one year (subject to eligibility).
Eligibility: The author of the paper must either be a student or within the first five years of full-time employment. He/she need not be a member of the Institute. In the case of multiple authorship, the early career-stage criterion must be satisfied by the first or second named author. If other authors also satisfy the criterion, the cash award is shared between all those authors satisfying the criterion, with each receiving a certificate. The free membership for one year is for the presenting author only.
The proposal regarding the first or second named author aims to ensure that the person being presented with the award has made a substantial contribution to the paper. Otherwise, there is a risk that the award could go, for example, to a multi-author paper having just one early career-stage author who only played a minor role in the work being reported.
Frequency: Yearly, if a suitable candidate is deemed.
Nomination arrangements: The author of an abstract and full paper for the event can indicate they wish to be considered when submitting online.
Four members of the panel are to be appointed by the NDT Sub-Committee. Each judge will be invited to score the entries on a point scale of 0 to 3 and send the scores to Karen Cambridge, who will total the scores, and the entry receiving the most points will be declared the winner, subject to a satisfactory oral presentation.
Entries: Entries should be submitted by selecting the BPA option on Manuscript Central
Awarding arrangements: The award will be made mainly on the basis of the quality of the written paper, rather than on the quality of the oral presentation. This will allow the judging process to be completed before the conference. However, a check will be made to ensure that the quality of the oral presentation of the proposed winner is acceptable. Furthermore, candidates should demonstrate by the way they present the paper and answer any questions that they have made a substantial technical contribution to the paper.
Publicity: The award will be fully reported in Institute publications.
Presentation: The prize will normally be presented at the end of the NDT Annual Conference, though another appropriate Institute event may be chosen if necessary.
Committee: NDT Sub-Committee.

The William Gardner Award for 2024 is awarded to X Bai, F Zhu, Z Xia, T Meng and W Yin from the University of Manchester, UK, for their paper, titled: 'Pose control and profile tracking with eddy current sensor and robotic arm for NDT applications'.
2002 Dr C Holmes
2003 Dr D Kleiner
2004 Dr C Holmes
2005 I Pettigrew
2006 D Caravaca
2008 A Sorsa
2009 C J Lane
2010 C Charlesworth
2011 Dr A Chertov
2012 Dr L Bai and E Escobar-Ruiz
2013 M Felice
2014 A McGilip
2015 J Rose
2016 F A Biruu, E Balaban, E Ahmad and M Missous
2017 D Zhang, K Burnham, L Mcdonald, C Macleod, G Dobie, R Summan and G Pierce
2018 Don Pieris
2019 J M Watson, C W Liang, J Sexton and M Missous
2020 No Award
2021 No Award
2022 Luka Bergbreiter
2023 M Valdivia Camacho, M Munko, F Cuthill, C Ó Bradaigh, E McCarthy and S Lopez Dubon
The John Grimwade Medal
Award criteria
Purpose: This prestigious award inaugurated in 1981 commemorates the late E J Grimwade MC HonFInstNDT, a major pioneering figure in the NDT world. The medal is awarded annually for the best paper by an Institute member to appear in the Institute’s journal in the preceding year.Award criteria
Details of the award: The best paper is selected from articles published by Institute members in Insight during the preceding year.
Eligibility: Any Institute member who has published in Insight will be automatically considered (co-authors need not be members but only the lead author receives a medal).
Frequency: The prize will be awarded annually and will only be issued if suitable nominations are received.
Nomination arrangements: Automatic. Shortlist prepared by the NDT Sub-Committee and circulated to a judging panel for consideration. The judging panel will comprise the NDT Sub-Committee Chair and the Honorary Technical Editor, plus two other NDT members (nominated by the NDT Sub-Committee Chair).
Awarding arrangements: An engraved silver medal and an invitation to the NDT Annual Conference Dinner with one night's accommodation for the lead author. All authors will receive a certificate and Institute pin.
Publicity: The award will be fully reported in Institute publications and the Secretariat will issue details in a press release to the technical and engineering institutional press.
Presentation: The medal and certificate will be awarded at the NDT Annual Conference, though another appropriate Institute event may be chosen if necessary.
Committee: NDT Sub-Committee.
The recipients of the John Grimwade Medal for 2023 are Sam Hurrell, Professor Peter Charlton, Dr Stephen Mosey,
Dr Owen Rees-Lloyd and Dr Richard Lewis for their paper, titled: ‘Study on the steering capability of a meander-line coil EMAT’,
which was published in Insight, Vol 65, No 2, pp 95-102, February 2023 (DOI: 10.1784/insi.2023.65.2.95).

Professor Peter Charlton is currently Professor in Applied NDT at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has 35 years of industrial and academic experience in the research and development of advanced automated electromagnetic and ultrasonic NDT imaging systems for the petrochemical,

Dr Stephen Mosey is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Applied Computing at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has over 20 years’ industrial and academic experience in the development of advanced ultrasonic imaging equipment for NDT inspection applications in oil & gas, nuclear, aerospace, manufacturing and rail. In 2013, he gained a doctorate in signal and image processing for NDT (resolution enhancement of B-mode ultrasound images) with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Dr Owen Rees-Lloyd is currently a Senior Project Engineer at TWI, working on a wide range of projects within NDT. In 2024, he gained a doctorate focused on electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) for NDT, titled: ‘Velocity effects on the generation of Rayleigh waves using EMATs’, with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Working primarily in ultrasonic and electromagnetic inspections, Owen has delivered projects across a range of industry sectors, at all stages of maturity, including inspection system design and standardisation of inspection methods, through to the deployment and management of site inspections of assets.

Past winners:
1980 Mr S I Ibrahim and Mr V N Whittaker
1981 Mr D A W Pullen

1982 Mr R F Lumb
1983 Dr J M Farley and Mr J L Thomson
1984 Mr A N Robinson, Mr P Nolan and Mr G A Raine
1985 Mr C N Owston
1986 Dr D N Shackleton
1987 Dr J Ogilvy
1988 Dr P Highmore and Dr K A Short
1989 Dr G A Georgiou
1990 Dr P A Cawley
1991 Dr A McNab
1992 Dr J R Rudlin and Dr L C Wolstenholme
1993 Prof J H Bungey
1994 Dr F A Wedgwood
1995 Mr R A Smith
1996 Dr A McNab and Dr A Cochran
1997 Prof G Hayward, Mr R Banks and Mr R Farlow
1998 Prof G Hayward and Mr P Reynolds
1999 Dr A Khalid
2000 Dr B W Drinkwater, Dr A M Robinson and Dr R J Freemantle
2001 Mr R A Smith and Dr G R Hugo
2002 Dr S Dixon, Dr C Edwards and Prof S B Palmer
2003 Dr L L Morgan, Mr P Nolan, Mr A Kirkham and Mr R Wilkinson
2004 Dr E A Birt, Mr L D Jones, Mr R A Smith and Prof C B Scruby
2005 Dr A Sophian, Dr R S Edwards, Prof G-Y Tian, Dr S Dixon, Dr D Topp and Dr M Smith
2006 Mrs A Whittle
2007 Prof P Cawley
2008 Dr L Nelson
2009 Dr R A Smith
2010 Mr C Lane
2011 Prof D P Almond
2012 Prof P Cawley
2013 Prof D Mery
2014 Prof P Cawley, Dr N Brierley and Dr T Tippetts
2015 Dr C Mineo, Prof S G Pierce, Mr B Wright, Prof I Cooper and Dr P I Nicholson
2016 Dr Chris Ward and Dr Colin Brett
2017 Professor Peter Charlton, Dr Stephen Mosey, Dr Miles Weston and Dr Mark Sutcliffe
2018 Dr Colin R Brett, Dr David A Gunn, Dr Ben A J Dashwood, Simon J Holyoake and Dr Paul B Wilkinson
2019 Dr David A Gunn, Simon J Holyoake, Dr Ben A J Dashwood, Dr Paul B Wilkinson,
Dr Colin R Brett, Humphrey C Wallis, Wayne Leman and Professor John G Rees
2020 Dr Tomasz Pialucha, Dr Brian Pavlakovic, Dr David Alleyne and Professor Peter Cawley
2021 Dr Stewart Haslinger, Professor Michael Lowe, Professor Richard Craster, Dr Peter Huthwaite and Dr Fan Shi
2022 Ross Hanna, Dr Mark Sutcliffe, Professor Peter Charlton and Dr Stephen Mosey
The Ron Halmshaw Award
Award criteria
Purpose: The Ron Halmshaw Award is awarded for the best paper published in Insight in the preceding year, on any aspect of industrial radiography or radiology.Details of the award: The prize is in the form of a certificate, a fixed award sum (£350) by cash from the Ron Halmshaw Fund and an invitation to the NDT Annual Conference Dinner with one night's accommodation. (In the case of non-members, part of the prize would be one year's membership.)
Eligibility: Anyone who has published a radiography or radiology paper in Insight will be considered.
Frequency: Yearly, if a suitable candidate is deemed.
Nomination arrangements: Automatic. All members of the Institute’s NDT Sub-Committee will be invited to submit nominations for the award.
Entries: Entries submitted (on a form to be made available by the Institute) will be sent to the Secretary of the Institute.
Awarding arrangements: In January each year, a memo is issued to the judging panel, containing voting instructions, marking sheet, shortlist of name(s), paper title, issue, month and page number and a voting form embossed with the Institute seal. The deadline for return to the Secretariat is 31 March. A judging panel of three is appointed by the NDT Sub-Committee.
In the interest of achieving fair, bias-free results, a system is operated that requires each panel member (any listed authors excepted) to vote anonymously to the Awards Secretary, who is responsible for totalling up the points awarded and notifying the winner to the Secretary.
Publicity: The award will be fully reported in Institute publications and the Secretariat will issue details in a press release to the technical and engineering institutional press.
Presentation: The prize will normally be presented at the NDT Annual Conference, though another appropriate Institute event may be chosen if necessary.
Committee: NDT Sub-Committee.
The 2023 winners are Dr Ross Hanna, Dr Mark Sutcliffe, David Carswell, Professor Peter Charlton and Dr Stephen Mosey for their paper, titled: ‘Volume integral model for algebraic image reconstruction and computed tomography’, which appeared in Insight, Vol 65, No 9, pp 484-491, September 2023 (DOI: 10.1784/insi.2023.65.9.484).

Dr Mark Sutcliffe is a Consultant (software) with TWI, specialising in the design, integration and delivery of NDT software solutions and algorithm development, including full matrix capture (FMC) and virtual source aperture (VSA). With over 20 years of industrial experience, he gained a doctorate in NDT (time-critical synthetic transmit aperture ultrasound imaging) with the

David Carswell has worked as a Software Developer at TWI for the past eight years. He works primarily on hardware integration (with robots, motion controllers and various NDT equipment) and algorithm development. He has a background in software development and computational engineering and has a PhD in the latter from the University of Wales, Swansea.
Professor Peter Charlton is currently Professor in Applied NDT at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has 35 years of industrial and academic experience in the research and development of

Dr Stephen Mosey is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Applied Computing at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He has over 20 years’ industrial and academic experience in the development of advanced ultrasonic imaging equipment for NDT inspection applications in oil & gas, nuclear, aerospace, manufacturing and rail. In 2013, he gained a doctorate in signal and image

Past winners:
1995 J-E Holmström
1996 Dr E A Birt
1997 A B Wooldridge, Dr R K Chapman, Dr G A Georgiou, I Munns and G S Woodcock
1998 Dr S Ekinci, N Bas, M Aksu, A Yıldırım, M Bingöldag, T Kurtcebe, M Dogruöz, S Sarıçam and N Yılmaz
1999 A McNulty, J McNab and W K J Greenwood
2000 P R Vaidya
2001 R R da Silva, M H S Siqueira, L P Calôba and J M A Rebello
2002 A G Vincent, V Rebuffel, R Guillemaud, L Gerfault and P Y Coulon
2003 Dr G A Georgiou and Mr C R A Schneider
2004 S Smalley and G Wilson
2005 D Mery, D Hahn and N Hitschfeld
2006 Dr G-R Jaenisch, C Bellon, U Samadurau, M E Zhukovskiy and S V Podoliako
2007 V Rebuffel and J-M Dinten
2008 S F Burch and B A Stow
2009 Q Shen, J Gao and C Li
2010 K Arunmutha, P Arun Kumar, T Saravanan, J Philip, T Jayakumar and B Raj
2011 Dr S F Burch
2012 V Riffo and D Mery / J Guo, L Zeng, B Li and W Yu
2013 X Zhao, J-J Hu, T Yang and F Wang
2014 W Gao and Y H Hu
2015 Ge Lijing, Li Linsheng, Xie Jialong and Lin Guoxiang
2016 Changying Dang, Jianmin Gao, Zhao Wang, Yulin Xiao and Yalin Zhao
2017 Domingo Mery, Vladimir Riffo, Irene Zuccar and Christian Pieringer
2018 Stefano Ridolfi
2019 Johann Kastner, Christian Gusenbauer, Bernhard Plank, Jonathan Glinz and Sascha Senck
2020 Andreas Michael Stock, Gabriel Herl, Professor Dr Tomas Sauer and Professor Dr-Ing Jochen Hiller
2021 Mahdi Mirzapour, Amir Movafeghi and Effat Yahaghi
2022 Abdel Rahman Dakak, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle and Patrick Bouvet
Details of all Institute awards can be found here.