CPD Records

Record your CPD activities 

The Engineering Council now requires all of its Licensed Members (incl. BINDT) to carry out a sample audit of registrants' CPD records. BINDT has decided to apply this policy to all members, whether registered or not. Note that it is not our intention to penalise members who cannot provide evidence of their CPD and there is no stipulation on the type or amount of CPD carried out.

The sample audit will be carried out annually by peer review and feedback may be given if requested. We will be looking to inform and advise our members on how they can get the very best out of their existing CPD activities and to signpost new opportunities.

CPD records may be submitted in any format, although members are encouraged to use the ‘My Career’ tool which can be found in the Members’ Area of the BINDT website (click here).

The following table gives examples of CPD activities with points allocation. The Institute’s opinion is that a realistic target for most people should be 20 points per year, unless 20 points have been achieved by virtue of a successful recertification examination, in which case the target should be 30 points.

Please note:
  1. Activities listed in section A may also be used for renewal of PCN Level 3 Certification.
  2. Activities listed in section B may also be used for renewal of PCN Level 2 Certification.
  3. Activities listed in section C may be used for renewal of PCN Level 2 and 3 Certification, but the points value allocated in this CPD Scheme may vary from those allocated by PCN.
(For full details of the PCN Renewal/Recertification Scheme please consult PCN Documents CP16 and CP17.)

 Section A – Conferences/Symposiums and other technical gatherings
 Points per activity
1Attend a conference or symposium
2Attend BINDT (or other institute) Branch Meeting
3Attend national and/or international standards committees
4Attend sessions of NDT-related committees and/or working groups
5Convene or chair a session at conference or symposium
6Present a technical paper at conference or symposium
 Section B – Further training and educations
 Points per activity
1Complete a certification course in NDT/CM/SHM
2Complete a certification course in other technical subjects
3Complete a course in other subect areas, for example health and safety (define)
4Complete a non-certified course in NDT/CM/SHM
5Complete a non-certified course in other technical subjects 1
6Gain Engineering Council Registration at EngTech grade1
7Gain Engineering Council Registration at IEng or CEng grade 2
8Training delivery in specialist subject (if not primary role)1
 Section C – Developing technical knowledge
 Points per activity
1Conduct interview (other than PRI or EPA – see volunteering)
3Onsite visit 1
4Participate in a webinar or NDT/CM/SHM subject 1
5Participation in recognised (online) technical forums 1
6Present a webinar on NDT/CM/SHM subject 1
7Publish a case study or article in an online publication1
8Publish a technical article in a journal or magazine 2
9Read a review an article in a technical publication 1
10Technical consulting, advisory project or supervisory project 2
 Section D – PCN specific activitiesPoints per activity 
1Attendance at BINDT Branch CPD Meeting or other professional society conference 2
2Monitoring or re-inspection of NDT appropriate to the certificate to be renewed 2
3PCN examiner (only for PCN test centre employees) 1
4Successful practical testing under the supervision of an appropriately qualified person of a relevant approved training specimen 1
5Successful recertification or supplementary examination conducted by an authorised PCN test centre 20
Section E – Volunteering Points per activity 
1Conducting a PRI 2
2Conducting an apprenticeship end-point assessment 2
3Observing a PRI 1
4Observing an apprenticeship end-point assessment 1
5Volunteering for work-based extra curricular activities 1
6Volunteering at Institute or society activities including Branch Meetings 1
7Assessment of a CEng or IEng application 1

If you have not yet submitted your CPD records, we would encourage you to do so as soon as possible in order for BINDT to fulfil its obligation to the Engineering Council.

In addition, we would be most grateful if you would volunteer to take part in our sample audit. This would simply involve an independent review of your CPD records, irrespective of format submitted. If you are already using the ‘My Career’ tool on the BINDT website, please grant us permission to view your records by ticking the CPD Monitoring Scheme box on your 'My Career' page.