1. General Technique Standards
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Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.
1.1 Radiological methods | ||
BS M 34:1970* Method of preparation and use of radiographic techniques BS M 42:1972* Methods for non-destructive testing of fusion and resistance welds in thin gauge materials BS EN 1330-3:1997* Non-destructive testing. Terminology. Terms used in industrial radiographic testing BS ISO 3999:2004 Radiation protection. Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography. Specifications for performance, design and tests BS ISO 4993:2024 Steel and iron castings. Radiographic testing ISO 5576:1997* Non-destructive testing. Industrial X-ray and gamma ray radiology. Vocabulary BS EN ISO 5579:2013 Non-destructive testing. Radiographic testing of metallic materials using film and X- or gamma rays. Basic rules BS EN ISO 5580:2023 Non-destructive testing. Industrial radiographic illuminators. Minimum requirements BS ISO 5655:2000 Photography. Industrial radiographic films (roll and sheet) and metal intensifying screens. Dimensions BS ISO 7004:2002 Photography. Industrial radiographic films. Determination of ISO speed, ISO average gradient and ISO gradients G2 and G4 when exposed to X- and gamma radiation BS EN ISO 9978:2022 Radiation protection. Sealed sources. Leakage test methods BS EN ISO 11699-1:2011* Non-destructive testing. Industrial radiographic film. Classification of film systems for industrial radiography BS EN ISO 11699-2:2018 Non-destructive testing. Industrial radiographic films. Control of film processing by means of reference values BS EN 12543-1:1999* Non-destructive testing. Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non-destructive testing. Scanning method BS EN 12543-2:2021 Non-destructive testing. Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non-destructive testing. Pinhole camera radiographic method BS EN 12543-3:1999* Non-destructive testing. Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non-destructive testing. Slit camera radiographic method BS EN 12543-4:1999* Non-destructive testing. Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non-destructive testing. Edge method BS EN 12543-5:1999* Non-destructive testing. Characteristics of focal spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non-destructive testing. Measurement of the effective focal spot size of mini and micro focus X-ray tubes BS EN 12679:2018* Non-destructive testing. Radiographic testing. Determination of the size of industrial radiographic gamma sources BS EN 13068-1:2000* Non-destructive testing. Radioscopic testing. Quantitative measurement of imaging properties BS EN 13068-2:2000* Non-destructive testing. Radioscopic testing. Check of long-term stability of imaging devices BS EN 13068-3:2001* Non-destructive testing. Radioscopic testing. General principles of radioscopic testing of metallic materials by X- and gamma rays BS EN ISO 14096-1:2020 Non-destructive testing. Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems. Definitions, quantitative measurements of image quality parameters, standard reference film and qualitative control BS EN ISO 14096-2:2020 Non-destructive testing. Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems. Minimum requirements | BS EN 14784-1:2005* Non-destructive testing. Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates. Classification of systems BS EN ISO 15708-1:2019* Non-destructive testing. Radiation methods for computed tomography. Terminology BS EN ISO 15708-2:2019* Non-destructive testing. Radiation methods for computed tomography. Principles, equipment and samples BS EN ISO 15708-3:2019* Non-destructive testing. Radiation methods for computed tomography. Operation and interpretation BS EN ISO 15708-4:2019* Non-destructive testing. Radiation methods for computed tomography. Qualification ISO 16371-1:2011* Non-destructive testing. Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates. Classification of systems BS EN ISO 16371-2:2017 Non-destructive testing. Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates. General principles for testing of metallic materials using X-rays and gamma rays BS EN ISO 16526-1:2020* Non-destructive testing. Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage. Voltage divider method BS EN ISO 16526-2:2020* Non-destructive testing. Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage. Constancy check by the thick filter method BS EN ISO 16526-3:2020* Non-destructive testing. Measurement and evaluation of the X-ray tube voltage. Spectrometric method BS EN ISO 17636-1:2022 Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. X- and gamma ray techniques with film BS EN ISO 17636-2:2022 Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. X- and gamma ray techniques with digital detectors BS EN ISO 17639:2022 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds BS EN ISO 19232-1:2013 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators BS EN ISO 19232-2:2013* Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators BS EN ISO 19232-3:2013* Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Image quality classes BS EN ISO 19232-4:2013 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables BS EN ISO 19232-5:2018 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Determination of the image unsharpness and basic spatial resolution value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators BS EN ISO 20769-1:2018* Non-destructive testing. Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays. Tangential radiographic inspection BS EN ISO 20769-2:2018* Non-destructive testing. Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays. Double-wall radiographic inspection BS ISO 23159:2020 Non-destructive testing. Gamma ray scanning method on process columns BS EN IEC 62976:2019 + A1:2022 Industrial non-destructive testing equipment. Electron linear accelerator BS EN 100012:1996 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Basic specification. X-ray inspection of electronic components | |
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1.2 Ultrasonic methods | ||
BS EN ISO 2400:2012* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No 1 BS ISO 4386-1:2019* Plain bearings. Metallic multi-layer plain bearings. Non-destructive ultrasonic testing of bond of thickness greater than or equal to 0.5 mm BS EN ISO 5577:2017* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Vocabulary BS EN ISO 7963:2022 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No 2 BS EN 10307:2001* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method) BS ISO 10830:2011 Space systems. Non-destructive testing. Automatic ultrasonic inspection method of graphite ingot for solid rocket motors BS EN ISO 13588:2019 Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Use of automated phased array technology PD CEN/TR 14748:2004 Non-destructive testing. Methodology for qualification of nondestructive tests PD CEN/TR 15134:2005 Non-destructive testing. Automated ultrasonic examination. Selection and application of systems BS EN 15317:2013* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic thickness measuring equipment BS EN 16729-1:2016 Railway applications. Infrastructure. Non-destructive testing on rails in track. Requirements for ultrasonic inspection and evaluation principles BS EN ISO 16809:2019* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic thickness measurement BS EN ISO 16810:2014* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. General principles BS EN ISO 16811:2014* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Sensitivity and range setting BS EN ISO 16823:2014* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Transmission technique BS EN ISO 16826:2014* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Examination for discontinuities perpendicular to the surface BS EN ISO 16827:2014* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Characterization and sizing of discontinuities BS EN ISO 16828:2014* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for detection and sizing of discontinuities | PD ISO/TS 16829:2017* Non-destructive testing. Automated ultrasonic testing. Selection and application of systems ISO 16831:2012* Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic thickness measuring equipment BS EN ISO 16946:2024 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for step wedge calibration block BS EN 17290:2021 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Examination for loss of thickness due to erosion and/or corrosion using the TOFD technique BS EN ISO 17405:2022 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Technique of testing claddings produced by welding, rolling and explosion BS EN ISO 18563-1:2022 Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment. Instruments BS EN ISO 18563-2:2017* Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment. Probes BS EN ISO 18563-3:2024 Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment. Combined systems BS EN ISO 19285:2017* Non-destructive testing of welds. Phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT). Acceptance levels BS ISO 19675:2024 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for a calibration block for phased array testing (PAUT) BS EN ISO 22232-1:2020 Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment. Instruments BS EN ISO 22232-2:2020 Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment. Probes BS EN ISO 22232-3:2020 Non-destructive testing. Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment. Combined equipment BS EN ISO 23243:2020 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing with arrays. Vocabulary BS EN ISO 23864:2021 Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Use of automated total focusing technique (TFM) and related technologies BS ISO 23865:2021 Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. General use of full matrix capture/total focusing technique (FMC/TFM) and related technologies | |
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1.3 Magnetic particle methods | ||
BS 6072:1981 Method for magnetic particle flaw detection PD 6513:1985* Magnetic particle flaw detection. A guide to the principles and practice of applying magnetic particle flaw detection in accordance with BS 6072 BS EN ISO 9934-1:2016 Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. General principles BS EN ISO 9934-2:2015* Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. Detection media BS EN ISO 9934-3:2015* Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. Equipment | BS EN ISO 12707:2016* Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. Vocabulary PD CEN/TR 16638:2014 Non-destructive testing. Penetrant and magnetic particle testing using blue light BS ISO 24497-1:2020 Non-destructive testing. Metal magnetic memory. Vocabulary and general requirements BS ISO 24497-2:2020 Non-destructive testing. Metal magnetic memory. Inspection of welded joints | |
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1.4 Penetrant methods | ||
BS M 39:1972* Method for penetrant inspection of aerospace materials and components BS EN 623-1:2006* Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. General and textural properties. Determination of the presence of defects by dye penetration BS EN 2002-16:2019 Aerospace series. Metallic materials. Test methods. Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing BS EN ISO 3059:2012* Non-destructive testing. Penetrant and magnetic particle testing. Viewing conditions BS EN ISO 3452-1:2021 Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. General principles BS EN ISO 3452-2:2021 Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. Testing of penetrant materials BS EN ISO 3452-3:2013* Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. Reference test blocks BS EN ISO 3452-4:1999* Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. Equipment | BS EN ISO 3452-6:2008* Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. Penetrant testing at temperatures lower than 10ºC BS ISO 4386-3:2018 Plain bearings. Metallic multilayer plain bearings. Non-destructive penetrant testing BS EN 10228-2:2016 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Penetrant testing BS EN ISO 12706:2009* Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. Vocabulary PD CEN/TR 16638:2014 Non-destructive testing. Penetrant and magnetic particle testing using blue light PD CEN/TS 17100:2017 Non-destructive testing. Penetrant testing. Reference photographs and sizing of indications PD CEN/TS 17108:2017 Non-destructive testing. Lighting in penetrant and magnetic particle testing. Good practice | |
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1.5 Eddy current testing | ||
BS EN ISO 12718:2019* Non-destructive testing. Eddy current testing. Vocabulary BS EN ISO 15548-1:2013* Non-destructive testing. Equipment for eddy current examination. Instrument characteristics and verification BS EN ISO 15548-2:2013* Non-destructive testing. Equipment for eddy current examination. Probe characteristics and verification BS EN ISO 15548-3:2008* Non-destructive testing. Equipment for eddy current examination. System characteristics and verification | BS EN ISO 15549:2019* Non-destructive testing. Eddy current testing. General principles BS EN 16729-2:2020 Railway applications. Infrastructure. Non-destructive testing on rails in track. Eddy current testing of rails in track BS EN ISO 20339:2017 Non-destructive testing. Equipment for eddy current examination. Array probe characteristics and verification BS ISO 20669:2017* Non-destructive testing. Pulsed eddy current testing of ferromagnetic metallic components | |
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1.6 Visual inspection | ||
BS EN 1330-10:2003 Non-destructive testing. Terminology. Terms used in visual testing BS ISO 3057:1998 Non-destructive testing. Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination BS ISO 3058:1998 Non-destructive testing. Aids to visual inspection. Selection of low-power magnifiers | BS ISO 11971:2020 Steel and iron castings. Visual testing of surface quality BS EN 12272-2:2003 Surface dressing. Test methods. Visual assessment of defects BS EN 13018:2016* Non-destructive testing. Visual testing. General principles BS EN 13927:2003 Non-destructive testing. Visual testing. Equipment | |
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1.7 Leak detection methods | ||
BS EN 1518:1998* Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Characterization of mass spectrometer leak detectors BS EN 1593:1999 Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Bubble emission techniques BS EN 1779:1999* Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Criteria for method and technique selection BS EN 13160-1:2016* Leak detection systems. General principles BS EN 13160-2:2016* Leak detection systems. Requirements and test/assessment methods for pressure and vacuum systems | BS EN 13160-4:2016* Leak detection systems. Requirements and test/assessment methods for sensor-based leak detection systems BS EN 13184:2001* Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Pressure change method BS EN 13625:2002 Non-destructive testing. Leak test. Guide to the selection of instrumentation for the measurement of gas leakage BS EN ISO 20484:2017* Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Vocabulary BS EN ISO 20485:2018* Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Tracer gas method BS EN ISO 20486:2018* Non-destructive testing. Leak testing. Calibration of reference leaks for gases | |
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1.8 Acoustic emission methods | ||
BS EN 1330-9:2017* Non-destructive testing. Terminology. Terms used in acoustic emission testing ISO 12713:1998 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission inspection. Primary calibration of transducers ISO 12714:1999 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission inspection. Secondary calibration of acoustic emission sensors ISO 12716:2001* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission inspection. Vocabulary PD CEN ISO/TR 13115:2011 Non-destructive testing. Methods for absolute calibration of acoustic emission transducers by the reciprocity technique BS EN 13477-1:2001* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission. Equipment characterisation. Equipment description BS EN 13477-2:2021 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Equipment characterisation. Verification of operating characteristics BS EN 13554:2011* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. General principles BS EN 14584:2013 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Examination of metallic pressure equipment during proof testing. Planar location of AE sources BS EN 15495:2007* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission. Examination of metallic pressure equipment during proof testing. Zone location of AE sources BS EN 15856:2010* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission. General principles of AE testing for the detection of corrosion within metallic surrounding filled with liquid | BS EN 15857:2010* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission. Testing of fibre-reinforced polymers. Specific methodology and general evaluation criteria BS EN ISO 16148:2016 + A1:2020* Gas cylinders. Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes. Acoustic emission examination (AT) and follow-up ultrasonic examination (UT) for periodic inspection and testing BS ISO 16836:2019* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Measurement method for acoustic emission signals in concrete BS ISO 16837:2019* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Test method for damage qualification of reinforced concrete beams BS ISO 16838:2019* Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Test method for classification of active cracks in concrete structures BS EN 17391:2022 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. In-service acoustic emission monitoring of metallic pressure equipment and structures. General requirements BS EN ISO 18081:2024 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing (AT). Leak detection by means of acoustic emission BS ISO 18249:2015 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Specific methodology and general evaluation criteria for testing of fibre-reinforced polymers BS ISO 19835:2018 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing. Steel structures of overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes BS ISO 22096:2007 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Acoustic emission | |
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1.9 X-ray diffraction and neutron methods | ||
BS EN 1330-11:2007* Non-destructive testing. Terminology. Terms used in X-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous materials ISO 12721:2000 Non-destructive testing. Thermal neutron radiographic testing. Determination of beam L/D ratio BS EN 13925-1:2003* Non-destructive testing. X-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous material. General principles BS EN 13925-2:2003* Non-destructive testing. X-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous material. Procedures | BS EN 13925-3:2005 Non-destructive testing. X-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous material. Instruments BS EN 15305:2008 Non-destructive testing. Test method for residual stress analysis by X-ray diffraction BS EN ISO 21432:2020 Non-destructive testing. Standard test method for determining residual stresses by neutron diffraction | |
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1.10 Condition monitoring | ||
BS ISO 2017-1:2005* Mechanical vibration and shock. Resilient mounting systems. Technical information to be exchanged for the application of isolation systems BS ISO 2041:2018 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring. Vocabulary BS ISO 4406:2021 Hydraulic fluid power. Fluids. Method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles BS ISO 5348:2021 Mechanical vibration and shock. Mechanical mounting of accelerometers BS ISO 12669:2017 Hydraulic fluid power. Method for determining the required cleanliness level (RCL) of a system BS ISO 13372:2012 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vocabulary BS ISO 13373-1:2002 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. General procedures BS ISO 13373-2:2016 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data BS ISO 13373-3:2015 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Guidelines for vibration diagnosis BS ISO 13373-5:2020 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Diagnostic techniques for fans and blowers BS ISO 13373-7:2017* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Diagnostic techniques for machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pump-storage plants BS ISO 13373-9:2017* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Diagnostic techniques for electric motors BS ISO 13374-1:2003* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Data processing, communication and presentation. General guidelines BS ISO 13374-2:2007 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Data processing, communication and presentation. Data processing BS ISO 13374-3:2012 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Data processing, communication and presentation. Communication BS ISO 13374-4:2015 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems. Data processing, communication and presentation. Presentation BS ISO 13379-1:2012* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Data interpretation and diagnostics techniques. General guidelines BS ISO 13379-2:2015 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Data interpretation and diagnostics techniques. Data-driven applications BS ISO 13381-1:2015* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Prognostics. General guidelines BS ISO 14830-1:2019 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems. Tribology-based monitoring and diagnostics. General requirements and guidelines BS ISO 14837-1:2005 Mechanical vibration. Ground-borne noise and vibration arising from rail systems. General guidance BS ISO 14839-2:2004 Mechanical vibration. Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings. Evaluation of vibration BS ISO 14839-3:2006 Mechanical vibration. Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings. Evaluation of stability margin BS EN 15437-1:2009 + A1:2022 Railway applications. Axlebox condition monitoring. Interface and design requirements. Track side equipment and rolling stock axlebox BS EN 15437-2:2012 + A1:2022 Railway applications. Axlebox condition monitoring. Interface and design requirements. Performance and design requirements of onboard systems for temperature monitoring BS ISO 16079-1:2017* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of wind turbines. General guidelines BS ISO 16079-2:2020 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of wind turbines. Monitoring the drivetrain BS ISO 16587:2004* Mechanical vibration and shock. Performance parameters for condition monitoring of structures BS ISO 17359:2018 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. General guidelines BS ISO 18095:2018 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of power transformers BS ISO 18129:2015 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Approaches for performance diagnosis | BS ISO 18434-1:2008 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Thermography. General procedures BS ISO 18434-2:2019* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems. Thermography. Image interpretation and diagnostics BS ISO 18436-1:2021 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems. Requirements for certification of personnel. Sector specific requirements for certification bodies and the certification process BS ISO 18436-2:2014* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics BS ISO 18436-3:2012* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Requirements for training bodies and the training process BS ISO 18436-4:2014* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Field lubricant analysis BS ISO 18436-5:2012* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Lubricant laboratory technician/analyst BS ISO 18436-6:2021 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Acoustic emission BS ISO 18436-7:2014* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Thermography BS ISO 18436-8:2013* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel. Ultrasound BS ISO 18437-1:2012 Mechanical vibration and shock. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials. Principles and guidelines BS ISO 18437-2:2005 + A1:2010 Mechanical vibration and shock. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials. Resonance method BS ISO 18437-3:2005 + A1:2010 Mechanical vibration and shock. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials. Cantilever shear beam method BS ISO 18437-4:2008 Mechanical vibration and shock. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials. Dynamic stiffness method BS ISO 18437-5:2011 Mechanical vibration and shock. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials. Poisson ratio based on comparison between measurements and finite element analysis BS ISO 19283:2020 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Hydroelectric generating units BS ISO 20816-1:2016 Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation for machine vibration. General guidelines BS ISO 20816-2:2017 + A1:2024 Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration. Land-based gas turbines, steam turbines and generators in excess of 40 MW, with fluid-film bearings and rated speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min BS ISO 20816-5:2018 Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration. Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pump-storage plants BS ISO 20958:2013 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems. Electrical signature analysis of three-phase induction motors BS ISO 21940-1:2019 Mechanical vibration. Rotor balancing. Introduction BS ISO 21940-2:2017 Mechanical vibration. Rotor balancing. Vocabulary BS ISO 21940-11:2016 + A1:2022 Mechanical vibration. Rotor balancing. Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behaviour BS ISO 21940-12:2016* Mechanical vibration. Rotor balancing. Procedures and tolerances for rotors with flexible behaviour BS ISO 22096:2007 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Acoustic emission BS ISO 29821:2018* Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Ultrasound. General guidelines, procedures and validation BS EN 61400-25-6:2017* Wind energy generation systems. Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants. Logical node classes and data classes for condition monitoring | |
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1.11 Thermography | ||
BS ISO 10878:2013 Non-destructive testing. Infrared thermography. Vocabulary BS ISO 10880:2017* Non-destructive testing. Infrared thermographic testing. General principles BS EN 16714-1:2016* Non-destructive testing. Thermographic testing. General principles BS EN 16714-2:2016* Non-destructive testing. Thermographic testing. Equipment BS EN 16714-3:2016* Non-destructive testing. Thermographic testing. Terms and definitions | BS EN 17119:2018* Non-destructive testing. Thermographic testing. Active thermography BS EN 17501:2022 Non-destructive testing. Thermographic testing. Active thermography with laser excitation BS ISO 18251-1:2017* Non-destructive testing. Infrared thermography. Characteristics of system and equipment BS ISO 22290:2020 Non-destructive testing. Infrared thermographic testing. General principles for thermoelastic stress measuring method | |
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1.12 Guided waves | ||
BS 9690-1:2011 Non-destructive testing. Guided wave testing. General guidance and principles BS 9690-2:2011 Non-destructive testing. Guided wave testing. Basic requirements for guided wave testing of pipes, pipelines and structural tubulars | BS ISO 18211:2016 Non-destructive testing. Long-range inspection of above-ground pipelines and plant piping using guided wave testing with axial propagation | |
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