For Companies and Educational Establishments

Corporate Membership of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing demonstrates in a very positive way an organisation's commitment to overall quality in the supply of goods and/or services. 

The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) is the UK’s professional body for individuals and organisations involved with NDT, condition monitoring and all other materials testing disciplines.

Membership of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing is open to anyone or any company working in or having an interest in NDT, condition monitoring, diagnostic engineering or materials and quality testing in general.

Individual members range from students embarking on engineering, physics, metallurgy or a wide range of other courses, practitioners in the hands-on world, managers and academics, to research scientists. For further information on how to join as an individual member, see the ‘Guide to Individual Membership’.

Company Members – referred to as Corporate Members – come from an equally diverse range of industries: aerospace, power generation, oil & gas, petrochemical and universities, to name but a few – as well as the equipment manufacturers, providers of specialist services and consultancies.

Benefits of Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing demonstrates, in a very positive way, an organisation’s commitment to overall quality in the supply of goods and/or services.

Membership signifies association with a professional body that represents the interests of the non-destructive testing industry, the condition monitoring community and all related sectors, at a national and international level.

The Institute actively and effectively promotes NDT and associated disciplines and British industry throughout Europe, through its work with Personnel Certification in NDT (PCN), the British Standards Institution (BSI), the European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (EFNDT), the International Committee for NDT (ICNDT) and other policy-forming bodies. The Institute has close European and international links, which can be particularly valuable for Corporate Members.

The Institute provides a forum for the member companies to discuss matters of mutual interest. This forum is provided by means of membership of the Trade & Industry Committee, which is open to all Corporate Members.

As a token of the recognition of status resulting from membership of the national professional body, a membership certificate is provided for display on company or organisation premises.

Organisations in Corporate Membership of BINDT qualify for free membership of Institute Groups covering specific areas of interest, allowing members to influence the direction of the Institute. Groups include:
  • Aerospace Group
  • Composites Group
  • Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Technology (COMADIT) Group
  • Service Inspection Group (SIG)
  • Trade and Industry Group


Two employees of the Corporate Member company may be appointed as nominees. These nominated persons obtain all the benefits of individual membership (excluding voting rights) free of charge, including copies of the monthly publications Insight and NDT News, and reduced rates for attendance at all Institute conferences and symposia.

If the nominated individual already holds BINDT membership in their own right, their annual BINDT membership fee is waived.

BINDT Yearbook
The BINDT Yearbook is a widely consulted and highly regarded reference work used throughout industry. As well as background information on the Institute and NDT/CM in general, it contains a comprehensive classified directory of Corporate Member companies and Buyers’ Guides covering all industry sectors.

Experience shows that a listing in the BINDT Yearbook leads to considerable potential business opportunities.

Inclusion is free for Corporate Members. Data is collected each autumn and one copy of the BINDT Yearbook is sent free to each nominee in January.

Online Directories
Details submitted by Corporate Members for the BINDT Yearbook are automatically included in the online Buyers’ Guides, accessed through the Institute’s website at

Hyperlinks are built-in to facilitate rapid access to Corporate Member information and seamless transfer to Members’ own websites, thereby increasing visitor traffic.

Many thousands of decision makers from all over the world visit the Institute’s website each month in search of solutions and relevant information.

The Institute’s Materials Testing Exhibition is the most comprehensive international exhibition in testing for quality, materials testing, mechanical testing, condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering.

Cost-effective participation packages are available for companies large and small, and companies in Corporate Membership of the Institute qualify for an additional discount. The Materials Testing Exhibition presents companies with a major forum for promoting their products and services and interfacing with their markets.

The overall management of the Materials Testing Exhibition is handled by the Trade and Industry Group Executive Committee of the British Institute of NDT, representing the interests of the diverse companies which make up the Corporate Membership of the Institute.

Smaller table-top exhibitions are also held alongside some BINDT events, with Corporate Members benefitting from discounts on participation.

Conferences and Symposia
A comprehensive series of conferences and symposia covering a wide range of subjects of interest to
Corporate Members is arranged each year. Attendance at all Institute conferences and symposia is at a reduced Member rate.

The Institute’s Branches are spread throughout the UK and a welcome awaits anyone who wishes to attend. Many Branch meetings count towards CPD requirements.

Education, Training and Standards
You can influence developments in Institute activities such as education, accreditation and certification by joining the various committees which are available to the Corporate Member.

The Institute is represented on a variety of outside bodies, such as BSI, The Engineering Council, EFNDT and ISO, encouraging further recognition of BINDT in the wider world of engineering. NDT is a global profession and Corporate Membership gives you the opportunity to make your voice heard.

Membership provides access to Journals, which keep individuals up to date with advances in the research, science and practice of NDT, condition monitoring and other materials testing disciplines and which, in addition, provide current news and views from industry.

Access to the books and documentation held within the Institute, either of a technical or managerial nature, is of particular benefit to the smaller companies and consultants. Nominees may purchase literature at the reduced Member rate.

Corporate Members qualify for:

  • a 10% member discount on all advertising in all Institute publications, including Insight, NDT News, the BINDT Yearbook, conference and symposia booklets (if applicable), the Branch Meetings Programme and the Institute’s website;
  • a free editorial profile in Insight on joining;
  • a free listing in every copy of Insight;
  • a free listing with details of company products, services and contact details in the BINDT Yearbook and online Buyers’ Guides;
  • Corporate Member company news, views and press releases are usually given favourable consideration for publication in the Institute’s media.

The Institute is a valuable source of industry and technical information on NDT, CM and related disciplines and receives many enquiries each week.

The enquiry is often directed to the appropriate Corporate Member, frequently resulting in additional business.

Summary of Benefits
Companies joining the Institute as Corporate members have access to a range of valuable benefits, including:

  • Recognition for the company as a member of the BINDT community;
  • The opportunity to join the Trade & Industry Executive Committee and provide input to help the Institute function;
  • Access to UK, European and international markets;
  • The opportunity to influence standards and legislative development;
  • Contact with government bodies;
  • Free listing in every issue of the Institute's journal, Insight;
  • Free entry in the BINDT Yearbook, the industry reference source, and online Buyers' Guide;
  • Free marketing on the internet;
  • Discounts for advertising in all Institute publications;
  • Discounts for participating in the biennial Materials Testing exhibitions;
  • Free technical advice;
  • Free legal advice;
  • Monthly publications on technical developments and international contract opportunities;
  • Network of Branches throughout the UK;
  • Display of authorised livery on letterhead and glass plaque for company reception;
  • The opportunity to meet industry peers and exchange views at BINDT events;
  • Discounts for attendance at Institute conferences and seminars;
  • An international network of contacts; and
  • Assistance with representation at exhibitions.

Additional benefits currently include:

  • A free legal helpline, offering assistance on a wide range of topics and a free technical helpline;
  • Discounted medical care plan;
  • Personal accident plan that provides cover 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;
  • And many more.

Corporate Membership for Educational Institutions
Institutions of higher academic education, such as universities, academies, colleges and institutes of technology, are eligible to join BINDT as Corporate Members at a reduced rate. See the current membership fee rate card for further details.

Corporate Membership subscription 2025: £905.00
Educational Institution Corporate Membership subscription 2025: £659.00
Approved Training Organisation Corporate Membership subscription 2025: £659.00

To apply online visit shopBINDT.
Alternatively, download and complete an application form available from the Downloads link on the left-hand side of the page.