2. Applications Standards


The following subjects are included in this section and can be accessed directly by the links below to navigate to the preferred area of interest.

2.1 Non-destructive testing of metallic welds 2.4 Coating thickness measurement
2.2 Non-destructive testing of castings 2.5 Brazed joints
2.3 Non-destructive testing of forgings, plate and tubes 2.6 Non-destructive testing of concrete


Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.

 2.1 Non-destructive testing of metallic welds
BS M 42:1972*
Methods for non-destructive testing of fusion and resistance welds in thin gauge materials

BS EN 1971-1:2019
Copper and copper alloys. Eddy current test for measuring defects on seamless round copper and copper alloy tubes. Test with an encircling test coil on the outer surface

BS EN 1971-2:2019
Copper and copper alloys. Eddy current test for measuring defects on seamless round copper and copper alloy tubes. Test with an internal probe on the inner surface

BS EN ISO 4136:2022
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Transverse tensile test

BS EN ISO 5173:2023
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Bend tests

BS EN ISO 5817:2023
Welding. Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded). Quality levels for imperfections

BS EN ISO 6520-1:2007
Welding and allied processes. Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials. Fusion welding

BS EN ISO 7963:2022
Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No 2

BS EN ISO 9016:2022
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Impact tests. Test specimen location, notch orientation and examination

BS EN ISO 9017:2018
Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials. Fracture tests

BS EN ISO 10042:2018
Welding. Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys. Quality levels for imperfections

BS EN ISO 10675-1:2021
Non-destructive testing of welds. Acceptance levels for radiographic testing. Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys

BS EN ISO 10675-2:2021
Non-destructive testing of welds. Acceptance levels for radiographic testing. Aluminium and its alloys

BS EN ISO 10863:2020
Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Use of time-of flight diffraction technique (TOFD)
 BS EN ISO 11666:2018*
Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Acceptance levels

PD CEN/TR 15135:2005*
Welding. Design and non-destructive testing of welds

BS EN ISO 15626:2018*
Non-destructive testing of welds. Time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD). Acceptance levels

BS EN ISO 17635:2016*
Non-destructive testing of welds. General rules for metallic materials

BS EN ISO 17636-2:2022
Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. X- and gamma ray techniques with digital detectors

BS EN ISO 17637:2016
Non-destructive testing of welds. Visual testing of fusion-welded joints

BS EN ISO 17638:2016
Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing

BS EN ISO 17640:2018*
Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Techniques, testing levels and assessment

BS EN ISO 17643:2015
Non-destructive testing of welds. Eddy current examination of welds by complex plane analysis

BS EN ISO 20601:2018*
Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Use of automated phased array technology for thin-walled steel components

BS EN ISO 22825:2017*
Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Testing of welds in austenitic steels and nickel-based alloys

BS EN ISO 23277:2015
Non-destructive testing of welds. Penetrant testing. Acceptance levels

BS EN ISO 23278:2015
Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing. Acceptance levels

BS EN ISO 23279:2017*
Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Characterization of discontinuities in welds
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Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.

 2.2 Non-destructive testing of castings
BS EN 1369:2012
Founding. Magnetic particle testing

BS EN 1370:2011
Founding. Examination of surface condition

BS EN 1371-1:2011
Founding. Liquid penetrant testing. Sand, gravity die and low-pressure die castings

BS EN 1371-2:2015
Founding. Liquid penetrant testing. Investment castings

BS 2737:1956
Terminology of internal defects in castings as revealed by radiography

BS ISO 4986:2020
Steel and iron castings. Magnetic particle testing

BS ISO 4987:2020
Steel and iron castings. Liquid penetrant testing

BS ISO 4992-2:2020
Steel castings. Ultrasonic testing. Steel castings for highly stressed components
 BS 7730:1994* (ISO 9583:1993)
Method for liquid penetrant inspection of metallic surgical implants

BS ISO 9584:2023
Implants for surgery. Non-destructive testing. Radiographic examination of cast metallic surgical implants

BS EN 12680-1:2003*
Founding. Ultrasonic examination. Steel castings for general purposes

BS EN 12680-2:2003*
Founding. Ultrasonic examination. Steel castings for highly stressed components

BS EN 12680-3:2011*
Founding. Ultrasonic testing. Spheroidal graphite cast iron castings

BS EN 12681-1:2017
Founding. Radiographic testing. Film techniques

BS EN 12681-2:2017
Founding. Radiographic testing. Techniques with digital detectors 
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Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.

 2.3 Non-destructive testing of forgings, plate and tubes
BS M 36:1970*
Method for ultrasonic testing of special forgings by an immersion technique using flat-bottomed holes as a reference standard

BS 4HR 100:2010 + A1:2012
Aerospace series. Procedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought heat-resisting alloys

BS 5T 100:2010
Aerospace series. Procedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of seamless steel tubes and tubestock

BS EN 2950:2008
Aerospace series. Test method. Wrought heat resisting alloys. Semifinished products and parts. Conditions for macrographic and micrographic examination. Atlas of structures and defects

BS 5138:1974
Specification for magnetic particle flaw inspection of finished machined solid forged and drop stamped crankshafts

BS 8562:2011
Gas cylinders. In situ, non-destructive examination and testing of refillable seamless steel tubes of water capacity between 150 L and 3000 L, used for compressed gases. Specification

BS EN 10160:1999
Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal or greater than 6 mm (reflection method)

BS EN 10228-1:2016
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Magnetic particle inspection

BS EN 10228-2:2016
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Penetrant testing

BS EN 10228-3:2016
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings

BS EN 10228-4:2016
Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steel forgings

BS EN 10306:2002
Iron and steel. Ultrasonic testing of H-beams with parallel flanges and IPE beams

BS EN 10308:2002
Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing of steel bars

BS ISO 10332:2010*
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness

BS EN ISO 10893-1:2011 + A1:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated electromagnetic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the verification of hydraulic leak-tightness

BS EN ISO 10893-2:2011 + A1:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated eddy current testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of imperfections
 BS EN ISO 10893-3:2011 + A2:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated full peripheral flux leakage testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arcwelded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-4:2011*
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Liquid penetrant inspection of seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-5:2011*
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Magnetic particle inspection of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-6:2019*
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Radiographic testing of the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-7:2019*
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Digital radiographic testing of the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-8:2011 + A1:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection of laminar imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-9:2011 + A1:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated ultrasonic testing for the detection of laminar imperfections in strip/plate used for the manufacture of welded steel tubes

BS EN ISO 10893-10:2011 + A1:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated full peripheral ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-11:2011 + A1:2020
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated ultrasonic testing of the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/or transverse imperfections

BS EN ISO 10893-12:2011 + A1:2020*
Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Automated full peripheral ultrasonic thickness testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes

BS ISO 17577:2016
Steel. Ultrasonic testing of steel flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm

ISO 25902-1:2009
Titanium pipes and tubes. Non-destructive testing. Eddy current examination

ISO 25902-2:2010
Titanium pipes and tubes. Non-destructive testing. Ultrasonic testing for the detection of longitudinal imperfections
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Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.

 2.4 Coating thickness measurement
BS M 40:1972*
Methods for measuring coating thickness by non-destructive testing

BS EN ISO 2128:2010
Anodising of aluminium and its alloys. Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings. Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope

BS EN ISO 2178:2016
Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates. Measurement of coating thickness. Magnetic method

BS EN ISO 2360:2017
Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive base metals. Measurement of coating thickness. Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method
 BS EN ISO 2361:1995*
Electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates. Measurement of coating thickness. Magnetic method

BS EN ISO 3543:2001*
Metallic and non-metallic coatings. Measurement of thickness. Beta backscatter method

BS EN ISO 3882:2024
Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Review of methods of measurement of thickness

BS EN ISO 14571:2022
Metallic coatings on non-metallic basis materials. Measurement of coating thickness. Micro-resistivity method 
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Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.

 2.5 Brazed joints
BS EN 12799:2000*
Brazing. Non-destructive examination of brazed joints
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Some of the standards listed are under review and may be revised in due course. These are indicated with an asterisk, thus *.

 2.6 Non-destructive testing of concrete
BS 1881-204:1988
Testing concrete. Recommendations on the use of electromagnetic covermeters

BS 1881-206:1986
Testing concrete. Recommendations for determination of strain in concrete

ISO 1920-7:2004
Testing of concrete. Non-destructive tests on hardened concrete
 BS EN 12504-2:2021
Testing concrete in structures. Non-destructive testing. Determination of rebound number

BS EN 12504-4:2021
Testing concrete in structures. Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity

BS EN 13863-1:2003
Concrete pavements. Test method for the determination of the thickness of a concrete pavement by survey method
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