Working in NDT and CM
In what sort of organisation would I work?
Modern NDT specialists require great skill. Whilst they may confine themselves to one or two of the methods described, they need to know how to interpret all the methods from time to time. Furthermore, they must be familiar with the manufacturing processes employed so that they can predict the type and position of the likely defects. Finally, they must be able to pass on their findings in a clear verbal or written report so that action can be taken to correct any defects that arise.
In some ways NDT is unique due to its involvement in the manufacture of products in a plant, the fabrication of products into complex units and then the continuous inspection of these units during their service lives.
There are several main areas which are relevant:
Industry, in which NDT forms part of the manufacturing process. This could be in the leisure, aerospace, power, marine or transport industries, to name but a few.
Service companies, who carry out NDT inspection for customers. Their work is immensely varied and involves in-house or on-site inspection almost anywhere in the world. Specialist inspection companies combine diving with NDT and may be involved, for example, in inspecting offshore gas and oil installations. Again, industrial and maritime insurance companies carry inspection teams to examine and assess the risks of any equipment they insure.
Large user organisations, such as the electrical supply industries, the armed forces, the steel industry, the airlines and the oil and petrochemical companies, employ NDT units to monitor the performance of their equipment and products.
NDT equipment suppliers. The manufacture and sale of NDT equipment is a multi-million pound business and the companies employ people with experience to develop, manufacture and sell a large range of equipment.
Research and development. The search for new methods and for new applications for existing NDT methods is carried out by several organisations and universities.