PCN Verification Form
NOTICEPCN is currently experiencing a high volume of applications and results. We apologise for any delay you may experience with the issue of certification. To refer to the PCN News which advises the improvement plans, click here.

The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) has agreed a robust certification process with an EU27 Recognised Third Party Organisation for the certification of NDT personnel. This process is fully compliant with CEN/TR/15589 Route B requirements and allows BINDT/PCN to issue certification that is acceptable under the European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU, Annex 1 § 3.1.3.
BINDT has received an appointment from LRQA-CASL, a Recognised Third-Party Organisation (RTPO) and Notified Body (NoBo No. 2893) based in Dublin, Ireland.
To find or check your approval use this page to check any of your certification details before proceeding - use the search facility to locate them. Then click on the LRQA logo above to go to the website and search using your PCN number.
Use the form below to search for PCN certified NDT practitioners. For the best result, enter the PCN number of the practitioner. Alternatively, enter the first few letters of the practitioner's last name. If you have any comments or feedback on the PCN certificate verification tool, please email: jennifer.cook@bindt.org
Verification list of Engineering Inspection Personnel
To view a list of certified personnel, click here.