Certification Body 

CBCertification Body – is the body that administers procedures for certification of NDT personnel in accordance with a specification and fulfils the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024.

The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing is the certification body that manages and administers the PCN Scheme.

ISO/IEC 17024: ‘Conformity Assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification systems of persons’. This document is an international standard, which contains the principles and requirements for a body certifying persons against specific requirements and includes the development and maintenance of a certification scheme for persons. A new version has just been issued in July 2012.

The British Institute of NDT has been accredited by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) to ISO 17024:2003 to provide the certification of persons.

Certification Bodies operate in other industries outside of NDT, for example the Construction Industry Training Board, known as CITB-ConstructionSkills, is also accredited by UKAS to ISO 17024.

For information on the BINDT accreditation as a CB see:
http://www.ukas.org/CertificationBodies/schedules/PERS/0030Personnel Certification_019.pdf

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