Office for Nuclear Regulation 

ONROffice for Nuclear Regulation is the new name for the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII – see What the Hec?!, June 2009). This removes any chance of confusion with NII – Non-Invasive Inspection! ONR is still that part of the Health & Safety Executive with responsibility for regulating the safety of all nuclear sectors in the UK.

In addition to their work on existing nuclear sites, the ONR is currently assessing two new nuclear power station designs: the UK-EPR designed by Areva and EDF, and the AP1000 designed by Westinghouse. The process being used by the ONR and the Environment Agency to assess these new nuclear power station designs is called the Generic Design Assessment. The safety, security and environmental implications of new rector designs are assessed separately from any applications to build the designs at specific sites. The initial assessment of the safety cases for the two proposed new reactor designs has now been completed.

For more information on the ONR see:

For more information on the designs for the new nuclear stations and the GDA process see:

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