Condition-Based Maintenance 

CBMCondition-Based Maintenance is the scheduling of the maintenance activities of plant components based on the condition of the component. Most damage mechanisms occur over a period of time prior to the eventual failure of the component. If evidence can be observed that the condition of the component is deteriorating, then maintenance actions can be taken to prevent the component failure, hence CBM. The objective of CBM is to optimise maintenance work by applying it when it is required.

The CBM process requires data collection, analysis and then action on the result. The condition of a component can be derived from operational data as well as non-destructive testing (NDT), structural health monitoring (SHM) and condition monitoring (CM) methods. As with risk-based maintenance (RBM) (see last month’s ‘What the Hec?!’), CBM is a preventative maintenance approach.

For more information on CBM see:

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