End of Manufacturing
EOM – End of Manufacturing is a term applied within the nuclear industry to the final non-destructive testing conducted on a component (post manufacture) with the objective of showing the absence of crack-like defects. This is applied to high-integrity components (HICs – see ‘What the Hec?!’, April 2019).
It is part of the defence in depth approach to the safety case of such components. While a number of NDT inspections may be applied during the manufacturing process, EOM non-destructive testing provides a final confirmation of the absence of crack-like defects. For high-integrity components, EOM non-destructive testing is subject to inspection qualification (IQ – see ‘What the Hec?!’, April 2010).
WHAT THE HEC?! articles are not intended to be the definitive account on the topic or acronym in question. Readers’ comments and contributions are welcomed. Email: ndtnews@bindt.org
It is part of the defence in depth approach to the safety case of such components. While a number of NDT inspections may be applied during the manufacturing process, EOM non-destructive testing provides a final confirmation of the absence of crack-like defects. For high-integrity components, EOM non-destructive testing is subject to inspection qualification (IQ – see ‘What the Hec?!’, April 2010).
WHAT THE HEC?! articles are not intended to be the definitive account on the topic or acronym in question. Readers’ comments and contributions are welcomed. Email: ndtnews@bindt.org