Radiation Protection Supervisor
RPS – Radiation Protection Supervisor – is a person appointed by an employer to ensure that any work performed with ionising radiation is performed in compliance with the Ionising Radiation Regulations and the local rules required by the regulations. An RPS is required to:
For information on RPS see:
HSE Information Sheet: Radiation Protection Supervisors
The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
‘Certification of Personnel in Radiation Safety and Protection’, PCN/GEN Appendix E3 Issue 7 Rev D, dated 1 April 2016
What the hec?! articles are not intended to be the definitive account on the topic or acronym in question. Readers’ comments and contributions are welcomed. Email: ndtnews@bindt.org
- know and understand the requirements of the Regulations and local rules relevant to the work with ionising radiation;
- command sufficient authority from the people doing the work to allow them to supervise the radiation protection aspects;
- understand the necessary precautions to be taken and the extent to which these precautions will restrict exposures; and
- know what to do in an emergency.
For information on RPS see:
HSE Information Sheet: Radiation Protection Supervisors
The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
‘Certification of Personnel in Radiation Safety and Protection’, PCN/GEN Appendix E3 Issue 7 Rev D, dated 1 April 2016
What the hec?! articles are not intended to be the definitive account on the topic or acronym in question. Readers’ comments and contributions are welcomed. Email: ndtnews@bindt.org