Submerged Arc Welding 

SAWSubmerged Arc Welding – is a welding process in which a layer of flux powder is laid along the joint in front of a bare wire electrode. In a similar way to the coating on the electrode in MMA welding (see last month’s What the Hec?!), the flux generates a molten layer and protective gases, which submerge the arc between the electrode and the component. The molten flux solidifies as slag. The flux can also be used to add alloying elements to the weld metal.

SAW is generally an automatic welding process and can be used for high deposition rates and high-quality welds, including thick sections. The welding parameters, the electrode and the flux content are carefully selected to give the desired weld. As the flux is a powder applied to the surface, the welding position is generally limited to the flat position. Circumferential butt welds in pipes require the pipe to be rotated.

For more information on SAW see:

For a video of SAW in action see:

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