Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 September 2025
Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), UK

Invitation to participate in BINDT’s CM 2025 and NDT 2025 Conferences

The co-located conferences will showcase progress, applications, case-histories, workshops, research and development and new products in the fields of non-destructive testing (NDT), condition monitoring (CM) and diagnostic technologies including structural health monitoring (SHM).
Whether you are an apprentice, practitioner, student, graduate, researcher, designer, manufacturer, programmer, operator, consultant or trainer, we look forward to your participation, whether presenting, exhibiting or networking.
The call for papers is now open and we welcome submissions from all areas of NDT, CM and SHM, including research, applications and case histories.
An ageing infrastructure and workforce, environmental and climate concerns, scarcity of raw materials, poor recycling, unstable political situations, the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and shifting government regulations are driving rapid changes in industry's requirements. The lack of ‘Generation Z’ personnel with ‘hands on’ experience underlies the urgent need for smarter, simpler systems and more qualified NDT and CM personnel, helped by the NDT apprenticeships sponsored by BINDT and leading UK companies.
Join us to drive the priorities for the future of non-destructive technologies.
BINDT has ISO-compliant fully-accredited PCN training and certification schemes in both NDT and CM.
NDT techniques include alternating current field measurement (ACFM), eddy current (EC), liquid penetrant (LP), magnetic particle (PT), radiographic testing and inspection (RT), ultrasonic testing (UT) including advanced methods such as time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) and phased array (PAUT), guided wave (GW) and visual NDT methods (VT) including weld Inspection.
CM techniques include vibration analysis (VA), thermal imaging (IRT), lubrication analysis (LA), ultrasonics (US), acoustic emission (AE) and a new CM manager certification scheme (CM) is being rolled out.
Supporting this are BINDT PCN documents and procedures, authorised qualifying bodies (AQB), approved training organisations (ATO), approved examination centres (AEC), national, European and international standards, specifications, best practice guides, handbooks and approved training materials, as well as the many UK and international companies involved in manufacturing, consulting and researching NDT, CM and SHM, many of whom will be exhibiting.
I look forward to you joining us at CM 2025 and NDT 2025 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), The Exchange, Edinburgh, EH3 8EE, Scotland.
Simon Mills BSc(Eng) CEng CMarEng MIMarEST FInstNDT FISCM
Chair, BINDT Technical Committee
Chair, BINDT CM Sub-Committee