MISTRAS Group Limited

Head Office: 15 Norman Way Industrial Estate, Over, Cambridge CB24 5QE
+44 (0)1954 231612
+44 (0)1954 231102
Email address:
Web address:
  • a - Acoustic Emission Methods (AE)
  • v - Vibration Analysis
Affiliations & Approvals:
  • Service Inspection Group (SIG) Member (BINDT)
  • Trade Group Member (BINDT)
  • UKAS Accredited Laboratory
  • NQA, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001:2007, UKAS 17020, ATLAS, IRATA UVDB

MISTRAS Group is a leading one-source global provider of technology-enabled asset protection solutions used to evaluate the structural integrity of critical energy, industrial and public infrastructure. It uniquely combines industry-leading products and technologies: 24/7 online monitoring of critical assets; mechanical integrity (MI) and non-destructive testing (NDT) services; destructive testing (DT) services; and proprietary world-class data warehousing and analysis software, providing competitive, comprehensive products, systems and service solutions. The one-source company offers efficient, cost-effective conventional and advanced NDT, acoustic emission monitoring, ultrasonic leak detection, vibration and structural health monitoring and pre-/post-weld heat treatment and pressure testing, complemented by its rope access capability.

MISTRAS offers a specialised team of technical site personnel, inspectors and engineers to perform a wide range of services associated with core customer business requirements. MISTRAS provides mission-critical solutions that are delivered globally, enhancing customers' ability to extend the useful life of assets, improve productivity and profitability, minimise repair costs, comply with governmental regulations, enhance risk management decisions and avoid catastrophic disasters. With worldwide operations, personnel with more than 30 years' experience in all aspects of NDT and a strong presence in the petrochemical, oil & gas, power generation and process industries, MISTRAS is ideally placed to support anyone, anywhere, any time.

NDT services:
These allow MISTRAS to provide asset owners with access to a broad range of innovative inspection strategies, maximising information on the condition of assets while minimising the effect on operation. In-service assessments of storage tanks, pressure vessels and pipework include risk-based inspection (RBI), acoustic emission monitoring and large-area automated corrosion mapping services, as well as conventional NDT. Out-of-service inspections are supported by a workforce providing API 653 and EEMUA 159 assessments, evaluation and repair guidance. All services are provided under ISO 9001:2008, while all procedures and technicians conform to recognised standards, for example ASME V, VIII, API 1104, API 6A, BS EN 1714, BS 5500 and ASME B31.3. Base NDT services include radiography, pressure testing and post-weld heat treatment.

Asset monitoring:
MISTRAS's structural integrity monitoring capability allows for the provision of monitoring solutions designed to meet a customer’s specific requirements. Assets can be onshore or offshore, monitored for a specific period or with a continuous monitoring solution. MISTRAS is able to offer a complete monitoring package, including system design, installation and online monitoring from its Cambridge office, including data analysis and reporting. Monitoring systems are able to report directly to the customer through email and text message, plus data review through a website designed to meet the customer’s requirements.

Access services:
MISTRAS offers a full and complete suite of rope access services covering NDT inspections, repair and condition monitoring solutions. The wind sector is supported by expert repair and maintenance services for blades, nacelle and monopile, together with visual, photographic and video options. Its specialist training centre also provides IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) rope access training.

Its specialised hardware and software product ranges are developed and manufactured in-house. The Physical Acoustics line of acoustic emission (AE) sensors and systems are used in research, AE testing and the continuous monitoring of infrastructure and process plants to detect cracking, wire breaks and leakage. MISTRAS's brand of UT Solutions ultrasonic products include immersion and gantry systems for laboratory and production use and portable and automated systems for field inspection works. MISTRAS provides bespoke hardware solutions meeting customer requirements.

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