Branches & Committees
Institute Branches
Just as the Specialist Groups bring together like-minded people, so do the Institute’s Branches. Meetings are held from September through to May and are designed to appeal to all members, satisfying the technical and social needs of members in each Branch area. Joint meetings provide a wider perception of the engineering industry associated with NDT and enable members of other societies and institutes to appreciate the benefits of NDT to their industry.
The Institute has eight propositions through which stakeholders engage with BINDT, spearheaded by its marketing and PR capabilities and underpinned by its IT capability, its ‘establishment’ (people, premises and facilities) and its partners.
Figure 1 shows the Institute’s committee structure in schematic form.
The key committees have oversight responsibility for BINDT’s operations and the execution of the strategic plan, as shown in Figure 2. They report to BINDT’s Council (Trustees) and are, in some cases, empowered to make decisions on behalf of Council (for example membership and registration).
The committees are:

The institute has a number of groups that meet the specific needs of members with particular interests:
Special Interest Groups
Working Groups
User Groups
Current User Groups include:
Membership of all groups is open to members (and in some cases non-members) at no additional charge. Group members benefit from discussion of current topics of interest or controversy and from the interchange of views between individuals all sharing a specific common interest. As a group, they can influence affairs that they couldn’t as individuals.
For further information, contact Cindy Bailey at the Secretariat (
Just as the Specialist Groups bring together like-minded people, so do the Institute’s Branches. Meetings are held from September through to May and are designed to appeal to all members, satisfying the technical and social needs of members in each Branch area. Joint meetings provide a wider perception of the engineering industry associated with NDT and enable members of other societies and institutes to appreciate the benefits of NDT to their industry.
The full Branch meeting programme is published each August as a separate booklet (and full details are also included here). With Branches meeting throughout the season, there must be a meeting of interest to you nearby.
The Institute has eight propositions through which stakeholders engage with BINDT, spearheaded by its marketing and PR capabilities and underpinned by its IT capability, its ‘establishment’ (people, premises and facilities) and its partners.
Figure 1 shows the Institute’s committee structure in schematic form.
The key committees have oversight responsibility for BINDT’s operations and the execution of the strategic plan, as shown in Figure 2. They report to BINDT’s Council (Trustees) and are, in some cases, empowered to make decisions on behalf of Council (for example membership and registration).
The committees are:
- Governance Advisory Committee
- Finance Committee
- Establishment Review Panel (ERP)
- Croxson (Awards & Recognition) Committee
- Technical Committee (TC)
- Trade & Industry Executive Committee
- Membership, Qualification & Education Committee (MQ&E)
- Certification Management Committee (CMC).

The institute has a number of groups that meet the specific needs of members with particular interests:
- Certification Technical Committee (CTC)
- Education and Professional Development Committee
- NDT and CM Sub-Committees
- SHM Sub-Committee
- Standards Committee
Special Interest Groups
- Aerospace Executive Committee
- Civil Engineering Group
- Composites Group
- NDE 4.0 Group
- Service Inspection Group (SIG).
- Advisory Group on Strategic NDT Leadership
- Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group
- Practitioner Committee.
Working Groups
- Engineering Council Working Group
- Materials Testing Working Group
- NDT and CM Certification Working Groups
- Working Group on NDT for Heritage Boilers.
User Groups
Current User Groups include:
- Air-Coupled Ultrasound User Group
- FMC User Group
- Non-Linear UT User Group
- Technique Validation and Qualification User Group
- Terahertz User Group.
Membership of all groups is open to members (and in some cases non-members) at no additional charge. Group members benefit from discussion of current topics of interest or controversy and from the interchange of views between individuals all sharing a specific common interest. As a group, they can influence affairs that they couldn’t as individuals.
For further information, contact Cindy Bailey at the Secretariat (