Advisory Groups and Committees


The Institute has a number of groups that meet the specific needs of members with particular interests.

Figure 1 shows some of the groups that exist at the time of writing. Further groups may be established as topics arise.

Current Advisory Groups and Committees include:
Membership of all groups is open to members (and in some cases non-members) at no additional charge. Group members benefit from discussion of current topics of interest or controversy and from the interchange of views between individuals all sharing a specific common interest. As a group, they can influence affairs that they couldn’t as individuals.

For further information, contact Cindy Bailey at the Secretariat (

Advisory Group on Strategic NDT Leadership In 2019, BINDT established an Advisory Group on Strategic NDT Leadership to support the establishment of an effective and long-term leadership forum, outside of specific institutions, that can:
  • Brief government and influence other engineering professions about the benefits of NDT/SHM/CM
  • Ensure adequate, well-trained NDT engineers
  • Capture the NDT/SHM/CM requirements from each sector to inform R&D strategy and initiate protocols, best practice guides and standards to underpin technology transitioning, including technology and technique qualification, and training.

In the initial phase, the NDT Leadership Forum is accountable to BINDT’s Advisory Group on Strategic NDT Leadership, but this will be reviewed after an appropriate period. Mark Dowell has been appointed as Founding Chair of the NDT Leadership Forum.

For further information, email:

Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group BINDT prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive organisation. Members join the NDT community from many different disciplines and through many different educational and professional routes. BINDT aims to represent and work for all members and promote their interests in the most appropriate ways.

The Institute has signed the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Engineering Diversity Concordat, which indicates a commitment to diversity and inclusion that is shared by the UK’s Professional Engineering Institutes (PEIs). The following three core activities are highlighted in the Concordat as being necessary to improve diversity in PEIs:
  • Communicate commitment to equality and inclusion principles and practices
  • Take action to increase diversity among those in professional engineering membership and registration
  • Monitor and measure progress.

BINDT recognises that it is necessary to be proactive to achieve improved diversity and inclusion. The Institute has established a Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group to consider how it will carry out its responsibilities under the Concordat and promote the objectives of diversity and inclusion within the organisation, in its interactions with members and among the wider NDT community.

If you have any suggestions or would like to participate in the work of the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group, then please contact Cindy Bailey (

Practitioner Committee The Practitioner Committee is an advisory group to Council focusing on the effective engagement of the Institute with NDT and CM practitioners at all levels in industry, ensuring its relevance to the practitioner community and pursuing the advancement of the science and engineering of NDT and CM at a practical level.

The objectives of the Practitioner Committee include:
  • To identify, understand and define the principles of engagement with NDT and CM practitioners, including their aspirations and expectations in respect of the form and extent of support from BINDT
  • To address specific concerns that exist within the practitioner community, in a timely and organised manner, utilising due democratic process within the hierarchy of the BINDT committee structure, with a view to dispelling the perception of an unwieldy, unresponsive or unhelpful institute
  • To develop a plan for demonstrable engagement of BINDT staff and volunteers with the practitioner community, exploiting synergies and infrastructure that enables effective use of resources that can publicise, organise and facilitate appropriate forums for effective engagement with practitioners, ensuring that, when drafting documentation or through revision and amendment of existing documentation, the certification available is compatible with international and European standards covering certification of personnel where this is appropriate
  • To secure approval and, where necessary, funding or budget allocation from Council, in order to implement initiatives and produce tangible benefits for practitioners in industry
  • Act to remove, reduce or negate barriers to effective engagement of practitioners with BINDT
  • Improve access to existing and emerging learning resources and encourage the active participation of practitioners in continuing professional development (CPD).