Scottish Branch
Institute Branches
Chair Mark Perston | Deputy Chair Tony Gachagan |
Branch Representative to Council and Branch Welfare Officer Mike Farley |
To contact any of the above, email:
The Scottish Branch has a broad membership representing the aerospace, power generation, ship-building, petrochemical, offshore and heavy engineering industries, as well as university and corporate development, equipment manufacturers and suppliers and service inspection companies.
Through this diverse range of interests, the Branch is able to offer a programme of educational, informative and entertaining meetings, with a wide variety of topics presented by speakers who are experts in their fields. Branch meetings are held throughout the session from September to May at venues throughout central Scotland.
The main event, taking place on Friday 31 January 2025, is a workshop on ‘The role of NDT in the assessment of asset integrity’.
The Branch actively promotes the NDT profession and the interests of its members. Committee members participate in the Engineering Council regional organisation, the PCN Scheme and NDT standards committees. There is a particular interest in continuing professional development, which is relevant to NDT certificate holders, students, technicians and graduates alike.
Scottish Branch Programme
Any updates to the programme will be publicised in NDT News and on the BINDT website as they develop.
Thursday 10 October 2024 – CANCELLED
National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) visit and tour*
1.00 pm-3.00 pm.
Venue: NMIS, 3 Netherton Square, Renfrew.
Thursday 14 November 2024
Innovations and challenges in phased array ultrasonic testing*
by Colin Bird and Colin Brett
from 1.00 pm-2.00 pm.
The meeting will be a webinar hosted via Zoom and registration is required in advance at:
Friday 31 January 2025
‘The role of NDT in the assessment of asset integrity’, Scottish Branch Annual Exhibition and Seminar*
10.00 am-3.00 pm.
Venue: Golden Jubilee Centre.
For further information, click here.
Thursday 20 February 2025
Title to be confirmed
Joint meeting with local branch of TWI/Altrad.
6.00 pm-7.30 pm.
Venue: To be confirmed.
*indicates CPD content
CPD Points from Branch meetings
Attending Branch meetings indicated as containing CPD content can earn valuable points towards PCN certificate renewals.
If anyone is willing or interested in providing talks to Branches, please contact Cindy Bailey at BINDT ( with an indication of the preferred geographical areas where you could assist.