The Nemet Award

Open award for members and non-members 

Award criteria

Purpose: This award scheme, established by the generosity of Dr A Nemet and operated by the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, has been set up to recognise examples of outstandingly effective use of NDT/CM/SHM, especially those that might encourage small firms to apply NDT/CM/SHM methods for the first time, over a period of at least 5-10 years.

Details of the Award: Annually, the Institute will call for the submission of entries that give instances of the introduction or implementation of an NDT/CM/SHM technique or procedure that has met with exceptional success. An awards panel, set up by the Institute, will consider all submissions and choose the winning entry. The panel will give due weight to instances where safety has been enhanced, costs reduced or reliability improved, particularly in first-time uses of NDT/CM/SHM. In years when the submissions are not of sufficient merit, no award shall be made.

Eligibility: Entries, submitted on the Institute’s form, may be made by any company using NDT/CM/SHM or by a third party recommending a suitable candidate. Companies that supply NDT/CM/SHM equipment or provide NDT/CM/SHM services to industry are well placed to initiate such entries and candidates for the award may also submit entries themselves.

This is intended to recognise contributions over a period of at least 5-10 years.

The proposer of the award should be a voting member of the Institute. If they are not, they will need to ensure the application is endorsed by an Institute voting member.

Frequency: Yearly, if a suitable candidate is deemed.

Nomination arrangements: Nominations should be submitted by email to:

Nominations for the award shall come from the Trade & Industry (T&I) Committee (nominations may also be submitted by any other BINDT Committee, in which case it will be passed to the Chair of the T&I Committee for consideration), which will be tabled as an agenda item at a meeting, if suitable nominations are put forward.

If there is only one nomination, then the T&I Committee should vote to confirm whether the nomination is eligible and, if so, to approve the award. If there is more than one nomination, then the entries should be sent for judging by a panel set up for the purpose. Four members of the panel are to be appointed by the T&I Committee. Each judge will be invited to score the entries on a point scale of 0 to 3 and send the scores to Karen Cambridge, who will total the scores, and the entry receiving the most points will be declared the winner. 

Awarding arrangements: The award will consist of a certificate backed by £550 cash, an invitation to the NDT/CM Annual Conference Dinner and one night’s accommodation. In the case of a group award, the invitation to the Annual Conference Dinner will be made to one representative.

Trade and Industry Committee.


2022 winner: Michael James Gorman BEng IEng MInstNDT

The winner of the Nemet Award for 2022 is Michael James Gorman BEng IEng MInstNDT.

Michael James Gorman serves as the Engineering Manager of Evolution Fasteners (UK) Ltd. With a career spanning over a decade, he has dedicated the past five years to developing and implementing non-destructive testing and condition monitoring techniques, originally utilised during his time in the oil & gas industry, into construction applications.

Michael’s fervent commitment extends beyond his professional responsibilities. He harbours a deep passion for inspiring young individuals in the realms of engineering and science. As a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) ambassador, he has taken the initiative to visit schools and colleges in Scotland, aiming to ignite the spark of engineering interest in the minds of the next generation. Moreover, he actively mentors and guides the personal development of three apprentice engineers within the company.

Past winners:
1989    Mr B Garbett
1990    Dr D H Saunderson
1991    Mr M Orrell, Mr G Vessey and Mr A Holden
1992    Mr C R Bird, Mr C R A Schneider and Mr J Morton
1993    Mr F E Hardie
1995    Dr C I Nicholls
1997    Mr G Herdman
1999    Mr A K Dunhill
2000    Mr J A Hughes
2001    Eur Ing Prof R M Cripps
2002    Mrs S A O’Connor
2003    Mr J Smith
2005    Mr J H Calvert
2006    Dr D J Lovejoy
2007    No Award
2008    Mr A Hadnum and Mr T Berry
2009    No Award
2010    Mr M Moles
2011    Mr B Brown
2012    Mr J Harris
2013    No Award
2014    Mr J McNab
2015    Mr D MacLennan
2016    Raymond J R Wilson MInstNDT FIAQP
2017    Dr Didar (Dee) Singh Dulay FInstNDT
2018    Rex Ankers
2019    Dr Geoff Diamond
2020    Tim Armitt
2021    EUR ING Ryan Murphy BSc (Hons) CEng MInstNDT MIScT FIES and Robert Andrew Bright

A nomination form can be downloaded here.

Details of all Institute awards can be found here.