The BINDT Annual Conference Paper Award

Open award for members and non-members, Events Award 

Award criteria

For the best paper published in the Proceedings of the Institute’s NDT Annual Conference by any author or team of authors. One of the named authors must present the paper in person at the conference.  
Eligibility: There are no restrictions on the eligibility of the author or authors of the paper. They need not be members of the Institute.

Details of the award: A £100 voucher to be presented at the end of the NDT Annual Conference.  

Frequency: Every year at the NDT Annual Conference.

Nomination arrangements: All papers submitted by a specified deadline (not later than that for inclusion in the conference Proceedings) and satisfying the above eligibility criteria will be considered.  
The judging panel will consist of a small group of four NDT Sub-Committee members appointed by the committee. The criteria used by this panel will be similar to those currently used for the John Grimwade Medal and the Young Authors’ Award, ie the contribution to the advancement of scientific knowledge, originality, style and quality, and industrial or commercial importance.
Awarding arrangements: The award will be made at the closing ceremony of the NDT Annual Conference by the Chair of the NDT Sub-Committee.

Committee: NDT Sub-Committee.



The BINDT Annual Conference Paper Award was not awarded in 2024.

Past winners:

2002    Dr K J Kirk
2003    Dr S F Burch
2004    Dr J Tyrer
2005    D I A Lines 
2006    S F Burch, N J Collett, S Terpstra and M V Hoekstra
2007    L J Nelson, K Brown, A Young, L D Jones and R A Smith
2008    S Terpstra and F Hoeve
2009    Prof B Drinkwater and A Bowler
2010    C Charlesworth
2011    M Alamin, G Y Tian, A Andrews and P Jackson
2012    Dr D Lipatis, D Yan and I Cooper
2013    X Xi and F Cegla
2014    Prof R A Smith, N Xie, L J Nelson and S R Hallett
2015    T Stratoudaki, M Clark and P Wilcox
2016    S F Burch and H R Peramatzis
2017    N Karimian, M O’Toole and A Peyton
2018    T Stratoudaki, Y Javadi, W Kerr, P D Wilcox, D Pieris and M Clark
2019    D Lines, Y Javadi, E Mohseni, M Vasilev, C MacLeod, R Vithanage, Z Qiu, R Zimermann, C Loukas, E Foster,
            G Pierce and A Gachagan
2020    No Award
2021    No Award
2022    No Award
2023    No Award

etails of all Institute awards can be found here.