Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 June 2024
Milton Hill House, Oxford, UK

As Chair of the BINDT Condition Monitoring Sub-Committee (CMSC), I have the pleasure in inviting you to the BINDT CM 2024 Conference To be held from 18 to 20 June 2024 at the Milton Hill House Hotel, Abingdon, Oxfordshire. This will be our milestone Twentieth Annual Conference and we will be showcasing progress, applications, case histories, workshops, R&D and new products in the field of condition monitoring (CM), structural health monitoring (SHM) and diagnostic technologies. Whether you're an apprentice, practitioner, student, graduate, researcher, designer, manufacturer, programmer, operator, consultant or trainer, we look forward to your participation, whether presenting, exhibiting or networking. | ![]() |
The Call for Papers has been issued and we welcome papers from all areas of CM, including research, implementations and case histories.
It's 30 years since CM started its journey towards international standardisation and certification and I've been privileged to be a part of that journey. Back in 1993, ISO established Sub-Committee 5 – Condition monitoring of machines, under TC108 – Mechanical vibration and shock. In 1994, BSI established Sub-Committee GME/21/7 – Condition monitoring of machines. The initial work was on definitions, processes and techniques. Vibration (measurement, monitoring and analysis) was the most advanced of the condition monitoring techniques and TC108 had a portfolio of nearly 100 standards (it's now 196).
At BSI, we looked for a suitable UK partner to work towards creating training and certification schemes. BINDT already had well-established and internationally renowned NDT certification schemes under ISO 9712, Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of NDT personnel and BS EN 473, Non-destructive testing. Qualification and certification of NDT personnel. General principles. With BINDT's assistance, we facilitated the development of the CM training standards and the results can be seen in the current portfolio of BINDT CM PCN qualifications.
The first CM working group set up by BINDT was the Vibration Monitoring (VM) Working Group, which had its inaugural meeting at St Katherine's College, Oxford in June 2001. Several of the original members are still participating (I'm third from the right).
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Figure 1. BINDT VM WG inaugural meeting, St Katherine's College, Oxford, June 2001 |
In 2002, ISO TC108 published the first ISO CM Standard under the general heading Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. This was: ISO 13373-1, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Vibration condition monitoring – Part 1: General procedures.
In 2003, the first part of the series of CM training standards published was: ISO 18436-2, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Requirements for training and certification of personnel – Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics. Also published in 2003 was the first edition of ISO 17359, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – General guidelines. This is the ‘umbrella document’ for all the ISO CM standards.
I had the privilege of chairing ISO TC108/SC5 in the early 2010s and SC5 now has 22 member countries and a portfolio of 28 standards. BINDT still contributes to standards development through BSI, which is the UK's nominated national standards body to ISO.
Over the last 20 years, BINDT has rolled out proven PCN training and certification schemes in vibration, ultrasonics, thermal imaging, lubrication and tribology and acoustic emission, with a CM specialist in preparation. Supporting this are several CM handbooks and approved training materials.
I look forward to you joining us at BINDT’s Twentieth Annual CM Conference, CM 2024, in the heart of Oxfordshire at Milton Hill House Hotel, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX13 6AF.
Simon Mills BSc(Eng) CEng CMarEng MIMarEST FInstNDT FISCM
Chair: BINDT CM Sub-Committee
Vice-Chair: BINDT Technical Committee
Chair: BSI GME/21/7, Condition monitoring of machines
SpectrumCBM Ltd – MD
For further information contact: Events and Awards Department, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK.
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