Benevolent Fund

What is the Benevolent Fund? 

The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing Benevolent Fund was set up at the end of 1989. It is an independent registered charity, number 328481.

What is the Benevolent Fund's primary objective?
Its objectives are:
  • To raise and maintain by donations and voluntary subscriptions a fund which shall be devoted to the relief of poverty of necessitous persons, whether or not members of or subscribers to the Benevolent Fund, who are or have been voting members of the Institute and spouses, widows, widowers, children of such persons or dependants.
  • To render assistance to eligible persons defined above, who are necessitous by virtue of death, illness, reduced circumstances or social distress, by providing personal contacts and advice and/or financial disbursements as the Board deems appropriate.
  • To render assistance in exceptional circumstances to necessitous persons who are working or have worked in non-destructive testing but who are not and never have been voting members of the Institute, their spouses, widows, widowers, children or dependants.
Membership of the Benevolent Fund
The Fund has members, who must be voting members of the Institute, who elect a Board to run the Fund. The yearly subscription for members of the Fund is £5, or life membership can be obtained for £50. Please support the Benevolent Fund by becoming a member and voting at the AGM.

The income of the Fund is derived from subscriptions, donations, fund-raising events and from interest on the Fund’s reserves, which have been built up over the years, based on an initial amount donated by the Institute to set up the Fund. The reserves ensure the long-term stability of the Fund.

Requests for assistance are dealt with in confidence by Board Members and by Welfare Officers nominated by the Institute Branches. The Institute Secretariat provides valuable services and support.

Requests for assistance may be directed to the Secretary of the Fund at Institute Headquarters or to any of the Board Members or Welfare Officers listed below.

Please help us to help others. Send your subscription or donation to the Secretary. UK taxpayers are encouraged to claim Gift Aid, which enhances the value of subscriptions and donations and which may be used to claim tax relief by higher rate taxpayers. 

Examples of assistance offered:
  • Maintaining Institute membership and professional registration for unemployed people, thus helping them to identify employment opportunities, return to employment and maintain morale.
  • Training and examination fees for those who have lost employment through illness or misfortune.
  • Providing mobility scooters, scooter hoists and stairlifts, enabling those with mobility problems to maintain their independence and enjoy a high quality of life.
  • Medical expenses in countries where there is no public health service.
  • Facilitating access to professional counselling for those with mental illness such as depression, etc.
  • Friendly support and practical help for bereaved colleagues and dependants.
Contact the Secretary of the Fund for advice or information:
Mrs C Bailey, BINDT Benevolent Fund, Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX. Tel: +44 (0)1604 438320; Email:

To download the Benevolent Fund Subscription Form, click here.

To download the Rules of the Benevolent Fund, click here.

The Benevolent Fund Board
Members of the Benevolent Fund Board are as follows:

Peter Wallace
Honorary Secretary
Harry Harper
Honorary Treasurer
Karl Quirk
Board Members
Caroline Bull
 Tony Dunhill
 Gary Elliott
 John Hansen
 Tony Hope 
 John Moody
 Steve Poucher
 Robert Smith 
Branch Welfare Officers 
Early Careers Branch Sam Cunningham 
East Anglia Branch
John Rudlin
East Midlands Branch
Andy Ward 
London & Home Counties Branch
John Hansen
North America Branch
Ronald T Nisbet
North East Branch
John Halliday
North East Scotland Branch
Caliean Forrester
North West Branch
Karl Quirk
Scottish Branch
Mike Farley 
Solent Branch
Robert Smith 
South Wales Branch
West of England Branch
Tony Dunhill
West Midlands Branch
Bob Naylor
Yorkshire Branch
Peter Wallace

Further information
Details of the Benevolent Fund are available on the Charity Commission website. 
Visit and enter the registered charity number 328481 in the search field.

To download the minutes of the Benevolent Fund AGM held on Wednesday 13 September 2023, click here.

To download the Benevolent Fund accounts for the year ended 31 December 2022, click here.