Marine Composites Workshop 2018

27 February 2018
St Mary's Stadium, Britannia Road, Southampton SO14 5FP, UK  

Whilst a significant amount of non-destructive testing (NDT) is already performed on marine composites, the sector needs further support in a number of areas, including the development of NDT acceptance criteria at the design stage for manufacturing and in-service defects, guidance on appropriate NDT method and inspection process selection and new techniques for utilising NDT results for structural integrity assessment.

This workshop brings together marine sector regulators, insurers, designers, manufacturers, constructors and operators to discuss the opportunities for, and benefits from, improved and enhanced NDT of marine composites. The aim is to generate a document that captures these NDT requirements and ‘what success looks like’ for future NDT and its link to structural integrity and risk management.

Registration: £70 + VAT
Discount: BINDT Members - £10.00
The fee covers attendance at the one-day workshop from 09h30 to 17h30, including tea/coffee breaks and lunch.

Venue information:
Markus Liebherr Lounge, Halo Conferences and Events, St Mary's Stadium, Britannia Road, Southampton SO14 5FP. Tel: 0845 688 9297; Web:

Click here to download the report from the
Workshop on NDT Requirements for
Marine Composites.

09.30-10.00Registration, tea, coffee and networking
10.00-10.10Welcome and introduction
Professor R Smith
Session 1 – Regulator and insurer NDT requirements (at manufacture and in-service)
10.10-10.30Regulatory requirements for NDT of composites
Ken Hickling
10.30-10.50Insurer requirements for NDT of composities
Paul Miller, Hiscox MGA
The link between NDT and structural integrity: potential impacts on regulations
Professor J Barton, University of Southampton
Tea, coffee and networking
Session 2 – Industry and user NDT requirements
High-performance yacht requirements
M Marie, LandRover BAR
Leisure/Commercial sector requirements
Dr D Cabai, Navalmartin Ltd
Defence sector requirements
R Hammond, BAE Systems
Tidal turbine sector requirements
J Summers, AEL
NDT of composites at the National Composites Centre
R Rose, NCC
12.40-12.45Discussion and requirements capture Professor R Smith 
Lunch and networking
Session 3 – Current NDT experience
Ultrasonic inspection
Dr R Freemantle
Laser shearographic inspection
Professor J Tyrer, Loughborough
Thermographic inspection
Dr R Tighe, Defence Academy UK
NDT service provision, training and certification
C Minton, MTD
Three-minute, three-slide pitches from NDT industry
Testia, Marine Results, & TWI
Discussion and requirements capture
Professor R Smith
Session 4 – Future advanced NDT and structural integrity opportunities
14.50-15.103D characterisation of composites
Professor R Smith
Modelling of defects and failure in structural composites
University of Bristol
15.30-15.00Tea, coffee and networking
Session 5 – Breakout session
Breakout session grouping
Professor R Smith
Choose from the following breakout groups: High-performance; Primary structure; Secondary structure;
Production; In-service; Designing for NDT; Use of mechanical testing; Linking NDT to structural integrity; Skills and training of inspectors and structural engineers.

Breakout de-brief
Scribe: Professor R Smith
Session 6 – Panel session
Panel session for requirements capture
Chair: Professor R Smith
Scribe: Dr R Freemantle

For further information contact:
Conferences and Events Department, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300; Fax: +44 (0)1604 438301; Email: