Workshop on structural integrity, NDT and CM requirements for Industry 4.0 2022

18-19 May 2022
Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Pilot Way, Ansty Business Park, Coventry CV7 9JU, UK 

The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT), in collaboration with the UK Research Centre in Non-Destructive Evaluation (RCNDE), the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI), The Alan Turing Institute and The Welding Institute, scheduled a workshop considering the path to Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 will completely change the production and operation of nearly every manufactured
item in the developed world. Intelligent systems will enhance and sometimes supersede human
decision-making in production and operation, and industry will no longer be limited by human
cognitive ability. Outcomes will be higher productivity, lower through-life costs and greater safety
and reliability, benefitting industry, the global economy and everyone who uses machines or travels
in vehicles.

The autonomous, intelligent systems of Industry 4.0 will need high-rate, complex information about operational loads and structural condition, available non-destructively and throughout life, thereby building confidence in their integrity and reducing costs. Assets could become continuously self-verifying, requiring no external intervention in order to maintain fitness for purpose. There is a need to bridge the emerging gap between current reality and these integrity
information requirements: the current state-of-the-art falls significantly short.

What are the specific non-destructive testing (NDT), structural health monitoring (SHM) and condition monitoring (CM) requirements that should be focused on to allow this step change and how will they relate to structural integrity and design philosophies? This will be the focus of the workshop, where experts in these fields will meet with designers, manufacturers and regulators to determine what success will look like, what challenges will be faced and what steps must be taken.

Exhibitor information A commercial session for exhibitors will run alongside the workshop, on Wednesday 18 May 2022, showcasing the latest products, innovations and technology available to industry. This is an excellent opportunity for visitors to meet with industry colleagues, network and learn about the very latest NDT and CM technologies and services available from around the world.

 Click here to download the report from the
 Workshop on Structural Integrity, NDT and CM
 Requirements for Industry 4.0

Day one – Wednesday 18 May 2022
09.30-10.00Registration (Mezzanine area)
  All presentations on 18 May 2022 will take place in Rooms 1 and 2
10.00-10.15 Welcome and introduction Robert Smith, RCNDE 
 Session 1: Understanding Industry 4.0 – high-level objectives/aspirations, drivers, business, risk, dynamics and tensions Chair: Robert Smith, RCNDE
10.15-10.45Introduction to Industry and NDE 4.0Nick Brierley, Simon Mills and Robert Smith, BINDT
10.45-11.00Overview of essential topics for workshopPete Loftus and Paul Wilcox, RCNDE
11.00-11.20'Bigger picture' view of benefits of Industry 4.0 in broader asset managementMartin Wall, HOIS Digitalisation Forum, ESR Technology
11.20-11.40 Coffee break (Mezzanine area) 
Structural integrity (SI) – how will this change and what will NDE/CM/SHM have to provide?Jim Skelton, Jacobs
12.00-12.20 Drivers for designers and asset owners with Industry 4.0 – SI, lifing, past and current philosophy and potential future philosophyDavid Wright, Rolls-Royce plc

Lunch break (Mezzanine area)


Session 2: NDE/CM/SHM for SI through the Industry 4.0 life cycle Chair: John Sharples, Jacobs and FESI 
13.00-13.20 Probabilistic SI and lifingMichael Martin, Rolls-Royce plc 
13.20-13.40 Regulatory/liability viewpoint on artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) automoated decision-making within the NDE/CM/SHM part of the SI process Richard Hyde, University of Nottingham
13.40-14.00 NDE/CM/SHM data and digital twins – data that needs to be open versus data that must be private Richard Rheume, Ondia NDE

Session 3: Skills Chair: Simon Mills, BINDT 
14.00-14.15 Skills, training and qualification implications of NDE 4.0Nick Brierley, diondo GmbH and Chair of BINDT NDE 4.0 Group
14.15-14.30 Metrology skills framework – national metrology alliancePete Loftus, RCNDE

Coffee break (Mezzanine area)

Session 4: Breakout session on SI objectivesChair: Robert Smith, RCNDE
15.00-16.10 1. Challenges and opportunities from improved NDE/CM/SHM capability
2. NDE/CM/SHM for self-verifying assets? On-the-fly SI calculations based on digital twins
3. Requirements and barriers for the use of AI/ML in the NDE/CM/SHM SI process 
4. Communicating – persuading industry of requirements on NDE/CM/SHM to gain commitment 
5. Interpretation of NDE/CM/SHM information. Better understanding by users. Dissemination
6. Who is taking the initiative? Should this change? Is there an economic benefit that will ultimately drive it? Do we need an intervention? 
16.10-16.40 Breakout session debrief 
16.40-17.00 Discussion and requirements capture 
17.00-18.15 Networking event in the exhibition 

Close of day one 

Day two – Thursday 19 May 2022

Registration (Mezzanine area)
  All presentations on 19 May 2022 will take place in Rooms 1 and 2

Welcome and introduction

 Session 5: Benefits beyond maintaining SI Chair: Nick Brierley, diondo GmbH and Chair of BINDT NDE 4.0 Group

Evaluating the microstructure of additively-manufactured components and its effects on performances and integrityJoe Grimwood, TWI
09.30-09.50NDE challenges for future zero-carbon emissions aircraftKaty Milne, FlyZero

Meeting environmental requirementsMarie Wells, MTC
The use of robotics for remote NDE in the offshore wind sector – remote NDEHamish MacDonald, ORE Catapult
10.30-10.50 Risk-based asset management and the connection with NDE 4.0 Ujjwal Bharadwaj, TWI 
Coffee break (Mezzanine area)

 Session 6: Greater collaboration between NDE and communities such as metrology and materials Chair: Pete Loftus, RCNDE 
11.10-11.30 Advances in metrology for Industry 4.0Adam Thompson, University of Nottingham
11.30-11.50 Materials 4.0Iain Todd, University of Sheffield

Session 7: NDE experiences from the field – NDE 4.0 in the present Chair: Pete Loftus, RCNDE
11.50-12.10 Practical examples of NDE 4.0 supplying commercial benefit in advanced manufacturingTom Martin, JetSoft
12.10-12.30 Case studies on decision making enabled by insights from continuous corrosion monitoring dataJon Allin and/or Atilla Gajdasci, Permasense
12.30-12.50 Initiative to explore the state-of-the-art of AI-assisted corrosion detection in pipelines – where digital/intelligent methods are being used to benefit the inspection and CM purposesBorja Martinez and Juergen Moors, Sprint Robotics
12.50-13.15 Lunch break (Mezzanine area)

Session 8: Current research/work for potential future improvements Chair: Paul Wilcox, RCNDE 
13.15-13.30 Summary of UK research for NDE/CM/SHM for Industry 4.0

Paul Wilcox, RCNDE
13.30-13.50 Digital fusion of NDE and SHM via Industry 4.0 – a researcher's shopping listFred Cegla, Imperial College London
13.50-14.10 Laser ultrasonics for non-contact, in-process NDE during manufacturing in extreme environments Teti Stratoudaki, University of Strathclyde 
14.10-14.30 Model-based definition driven digital thread for NDT inspectionNathanael Turner, MTC 
14.30-15.00 Coffee break (Mezzanine area)

Session 9: Breakout session based on BINDT high-level NDE 4.0 aimsChair: Robert Smith, RCNDE
15.00-16.00 1. Improved asset performance (through-life) 
2. More efficient production, including new products 
3. Better/faster/cheaper NDE/CM/SHM (incremental improvement, includes less frequent) 
4. Efficient quality control for customised products, for example additively manufactured products 
5. Reduced need for personnel being in harm's way/travelling 
6. Efficient quality control for decentralised production 
16.00-16.30 Breakout session debrief 

Session 10: Panel sessionChair: Robert Smith, RCNDE
16.30-17.00 Discussion and requirements capture 
Close of day two

For further information, contact: Events and Awards Department,
The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Midsummer House, Riverside Way,
Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300; Email: