NDT 2018


BINDT President Caroline Bull welcomes delegates to the co-located NDT 2018 and CM 2018 conferences
    Delegates enjoyed a guided tour of the National Justice Museum
Caroline Bull accepts a gift from Dr Takamasa Ogata, President of The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (JSNDI)
Delegates are welcomed to the 2018 BINDT Awards Ceremony by BINDT CEO David Gilbert
Professor Steve Dixon (left) receives the Roy Sharp Prize from Dave Griffin, Level 3 Services Manager at Argyll Ruane
Steve Burch (left) receives the Anne Birt Award from Caroline Bull
NDT Engineering Technician apprentice Doug O'Hare (left) is presented with the Hugh MacColl Award by Doug Wylie
The Nemet Award is presented to Dee Dulay (left) by Caroline Bull
Peter Charlton (right) is presented with the John Grimwade Medal by NDT Technical Committee Chair Ian Cooper
Caroline Bull presents Roger Lyon (left) with the Personal Contribution Award
Terry Smith receives his Honorary Fellowship
Honorary Fellowship is awarded to Clive Kessel
Terry Clausing, President's Honour Lecturer, receives the Wedgwood Plate from Caroline Bull
David Norton receiving his 50-year membership pin from Caroline Bull
The Conference Dinner in full swing
Judith Mair (right) receiving the Jim Cottier Travel Scholarship from Chris Simmonds
The Annual Conference Paper Award was presented to Theodosia Stratoudaki (centre) and Don Pieris (left) by Ian Cooper
Winner of the William Gardner Award Don Pieris (left) accepting his award from Dr Gardner
The table-top exhibition was popular with delegates and visitors