Abstract and full paper submission

3-5 September 2024
The International Centre, Telford, UK 

Abstracts are still being accepted (subject to availability) and should be submitted via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ndt2024.

To submit an abstract, enter your Author Center and then click on 'Click here to submit a new manuscript'. Follow the instructions to upload your abstract.

Full papers should be submitted by Friday 26 July 2024.
To submit your full paper, login to Manuscript Central and enter your Author Center. Then click on 'Manuscripts with Decisions'. You should see the title of your accepted abstract and next to it an option to 'Click here to submit a full paper'. Click on this link and follow the instructions to upload your full paper.

Copyright form, terms and conditions are available at the above website under 'Instructions and Forms'.

We encourage papers from both academia and industry on the following topics:
Acoustic emission
MarineRail and axle testing
Adhesives and bonding
Renewable energy
Medical and related NDT
Artificial intelligence and machine learningMonitoring
Automated and robotic NDT
Muon tomography
Bonded joint inspection
NDE 4.0
Structural health monitoring (SHM)
NDT in forensic science
Technique validation
Concrete structures
NDT of food
Technology transfer in NDT
Civil engineeringNovel techniquesTerahertz technologies
DefenceNuclearThe needs of NDT end-users 
Digital radiographyOffshore installationsTheoretical modelling
Digital signal processing and imagingOptical inspection (or visual inspection)Thermography
ElectromagneticsPenetrant inspectionTime-of-flight diffraction
Guided wave ultrasonics
(or long-range ultrasonics)
Phased arraysUltrasonics
Inspection qualificationPower generationX-ray diffraction
Laser methodsRadiography

Other relevant topics are welcome.

All abstracts and papers will be subject to peer review by members of the international scientific advisory committee. All approved papers will appear in the conference proceedings. Papers will be published only upon receiving the full registration fee and a signed copyright form (provided by BINDT upon acceptance of submission).

Selected papers may be published in BINDT's international journal Insight or other leading international journals. Papers related to 'case studies' may be published in BINDT's newsletters, Condition Monitor and NDT News.

For further information contact: Events and Awards Department, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300; Email: conf@bindt.org