Online video calls and conferencing

I don’t know about you, but I have recently been introduced to several different options for online video calls and conferencing. I have Zoomed, joined in with Teams and used the historic option of Skype, among others. The good news is that these tools have enabled us to keep in contact as a group and, with restraint, they do work well. Through video calling, I have visited people’s homes, sheds and also a car club in a garage/workshop, which was the most impressive for me as it featured a spacious, well-equipped and well-organised space with several cars that were either complete or being worked on. Some calls have also featured family members and pets, which you would not usually see in a physical 

BINDT, in particular the Certification Services Department, has been looking at ways of helping existing certificate holders during the pandemic within the rules of ISO 9712 and other standards (please check the BINDT website for updates). Trainers and examiners have been exploring how to help with both training and examinations, recognising that safety is paramount, and have been taking advantage of the existing blended learning programmes and exploring live video training, where the student will be able to join in real time. Both options are viable for the theoretical training and can give practical demonstrations to a limited extent; however, the actual hands-on practical training will require attendance at a training school. For aerospace training there are external boards that need to agree to the remote learning processes, though Rolls-Royce plc 
has been using this approach for training sessions in areas of its business for some time now, finding it much more efficient than transporting employees around the world to a particular site. I am sure that the delivery of training will change and I would assume that many of us will use resources such as YouTube when confronted with a problem, accessing what is basically online training in a very informal and unregulated format.

Hopefully by the time this article has become available in print the pandemic will have subsided and medical treatments and inoculations will be available and effective. In the meantime, keep safe.

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