The relationship between SHM, CM and NDT

Is our perspective of the relationship between structural health monitoring, condition monitoring and NDT due for a revision… ?

Non-destructive testing (NDT) can now be performed at the manufacturing stage due to the technological advances being made. NDT is used during manufacturing, for example additive layer manufacturing, so that potential flaws are manufactured out rather than having to be repaired later; the component is subject to NDT to confirm that the manufacturing process has been successful. Once the component is in service it may be subject to additional NDT during its life.

Condition monitoring (CM) comes into play when the component is in use and its ongoing performance needs to be assessed. If there are any untoward signals/data received by the CM process they can provide valuable information, but NDT may also be used to help to interpret the situation. Condition monitoring can even be replaced by a periodic NDT inspection.

Structural health monitoring (SHM) uses the information gathered at the manufacturing stage, where manufacturing flaws that were within tolerance were located using NDT. The ongoing data generated by CM is also taken into consideration for SHM.

In the above concept, SHM is the overall aim, using NDT for initial evaluation and additional testing as and when required and CM for ongoing assessment, hence the positioning of the three circles. Is this a better description of the relationship between the three disciplines?

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