Series: The Capabilities and Limitations of NDT Part 3. Radiographic Methods SALE!


Series: The Capabilities and Limitations of NDT Part 3. Radiographic Methods SALE!
Dr R Halmshaw
The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
1988. 28 pp. A5. Soft cover.
0 903 132 079
Radiography on film, using X-rays or gamma-rays is a very well-established industrial non-destructive inspection method. Basically, a source of penetrating radiation is placed at a suitable distance on one side of the specimen, with a film in a cassette on the opposite side. A suitable exposure-time is chosen, and after exposure the film is processed (developed, fixed, washed and dried) and then placed on an illuminated viewing screen for inspection by eye. There are various techniques and developments based on this fundamental methodology but the technique by which all other radiographic methods are judged, in terms of image quality or flaw-sensitivity, is high-quality film radiography with the appropriate technique parameters. This booklet covers radiography-on-film and the range of techniques to be considered. Sensitivity and the measurement of image quality are dealt with, leading on to flaw sensitivity. The important subject of reliability of radiographic methods is discussed and the final chapter describes the developments of computerised tomography, Compton scatter methods and neutron radiography.

Price: £7.00

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