HOIS/OGTC Guidance for Trunnion Pipe Support Management and Inspection – HOIS-G-033 Issue 1


HOIS/OGTC Guidance for Trunnion Pipe Support Management and Inspection – HOIS-G-033 Issue 1
Helen Peramatzis
e-publication, 82 p, October 2020
This document contains an overview of trunnion design, geometry and degradation mechanisms. There are relevant case studies of trunnion failures and inspection, provided by HOIS members, to increase awareness and understanding of the challenges associated with trunnion inspection.
This guidance recommends that a campaign-based approach should be used where there is a poor inspection history for trunnions in order to provide a baseline for future inspections. The creation of a trunnion register along with a standardised inspection approach can be developed as part of the campaign, which can then inform the risk-based inspection (RBI) process. It may, in some cases, be appropriate to continue with this approach for the lifetime of the asset.

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