HOIS Recommended Practice for Non-Intrusive Inspection of Pressure Vessels – HOIS-RP-103


HOIS Recommended Practice for Non-Intrusive Inspection of Pressure Vessels – HOIS-RP-103
e-publication, 161 p, February 2020
This document is an integrated recommended practice (RP) developed by the HOIS JIP following initial early work in a Mitsui Babcock Group Sponsored Project (GSP 235). The HOIS focus on NII guidance started in the early 2000s and was driven by asset operator HOIS members and the UK regulator (HSE) to provide a structured approach to the NII process with the aim of facilitating consistency of application. The RP recognises that the application of NII will often be to equipment items where the consequences of failure can be severe and provides a framework for the process so that risks are effectively managed. The RP provides guidance on a wide range of aspects, including determining whether NII can be used in place of an IVI, definition of the performance requirements for NII, selection of inspection techniques and evaluation of the inspection carried out.

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Price: £100.00

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