HOIS guidance for ultrasonic NII at elevated temperatures – HOIS-G-054 Issue 1


HOIS guidance for ultrasonic NII at elevated temperatures – HOIS-G-054 Issue 1
S F Burch
e-publication, 45 p, May 2023
Non-intrusive inspection of pressure vessels using external in-service ultrasonic NDT has multiple advantages compared to internal visual inspection, including the significant reduction of downtime-related costs and safety benefits from avoiding person-entry into vessels. However, for NII of vessels that have operating temperatures above ~80°C and up to 250°C, conventional ultrasonic probes cannot be applied and more specialised equipment and procedures are required. The guidance covers all aspects of performing scanning ultrasonic inspections on components with a surface temperature of up to 250°C.

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Price: £150.00

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