Recommended Practice for ISI of Wall Loss in Pipes by Digital Radiography – HOIS RP1 Issue 3.1


Recommended Practice for ISI of Wall Loss in Pipes by Digital Radiography – HOIS RP1 Issue 3.1
S F Burch (ESR Technology)
e-publication, 113 p, April 2015
This recommended practice gives guidance for the in-service digital radiographic inspection of pipes for wall loss type flaws (for example corrosion pitting, generalised corrosion and erosion) using both computed radiography (CR) equipment and digital detector array (DDA) based systems. Weld inspection for typical welding process-induced flaws is not covered, but weld inspection is included for corrosion/erosion type flaws (for example weld root erosion/corrosion).

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Price: £50.00

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