Working Group on NDT for Heritage Railway Boilers
Thursday 13 February 2020 from 10h00-17h00 Alresford Goods Shed, Mid Hants Railway

About the Workshop
This workshop will begin to address a range of recommendations from the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing's (BINDT's) report on the Workshop on NDT Requirements for Heritage Railway Boilers. Click here to view or download the full report.
NDT equipment suppliers will present and demonstrate capabilities for inspecting several boiler components, including firebox stays and the inner and outer firebox, using recently fabricated test specimens. This will precede the inaugural meeting of the BINDT Working Group on NDT for Heritage Railway Boilers, which is open to all.
Workshop Programme
10h00 Tea, coffee, introduction and NDT demonstrations
12h30 Lunch
13h15 Presentations by supply chain on results so far
14h30 Strategy for NDT technology qualification
15h00 Tea and coffee
15h30 Inaugural meeting of the BINDT Working Group on NDT for Heritage Railway Boilers
17h00 End
NDT Supply Chain Information
The inspections being covered are twofold: testing of corroded steel firebox stays for cracks somewhere along their length and mapping of remaining steel firebox wall thickness in the presence of both external and internal corrosion. The key is to be able to inspect with minimum surface preparation or teardown. Test specimens will be available for 10% to 40% metal loss in 15 mm-thick steel plate over regions from 1.5 mm to 50 mm diameter to determine the minimum detectable metal loss.
NDT equipment suppliers and service providers who are prepared to demonstrate capability at the morning workshop and/or present results in the afternoon should book a table and presentation slot by email to Dr Becky Peacock at:
Although the week from 20-24 January 2020 is suggested in the original brochure for trials on the samples, the samples will be available for inspection at any time prior to the workshop by arrangement with the Mid Hants Railway. Also, it will be possible to ship some samples in advance of the meeting, to be returned at the event, if companies wish to test their instrumentation on the inspection tasks (cracked steel firebox stays and corroded steel plate).
For details about demonstrating or presenting at the workshop and booking practice trials prior to the workshop, please email Dr Becky Peacock at:
In addition, the Flying Scotsman will have just arrived at the railway to celebrate the reopening of the link to Alton and the main line after a year-long bridge replacement and could be viewed on the day at Ropley or the following day when it will be in steam.
Attendance is free of charge. Lunch and refreshments will be sponsored by the Mid Hants Railway. Please register your attendance by email to Dr Becky Peacock at: by 24 January 2020.
This event is co-sponsored by the Mid Hants Railway and BINDT.
Alresford Goods Shed, Mid Hants Railway,
The Railway Station, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 9JG.
Tel: +44 (0)1962 733810; Fax: +44 (0)1962 735448

Click here to download the report from the
Inaugural Workshop of the BINDT Working Group
on NDT for Heritage Boilers

Click here to download the report from the
Inaugural Workshop of the BINDT Working Group
on NDT for Heritage Boilers