Macaw’s Pipeline Defects


Macaw’s Pipeline Defects
edited by Dr Colin Argent
Yellow Pencil Marketing Company
Undated. 200 pp. A5. Soft cover.
0 954 429 508
The aim of this book is to illustrate the range of defects that may be encountered in high pressure steel pipelines and pipeline coatings. It gives advice on the probable cause and significance of the defects and comments on appropriate remedial actions. This book is not intended as a complete ‘do-it-yourself manual’ for the diagnosis and analysis of defects and use of this manual will not make the user an instant expert. Many of the defects require analysis and diagnosis by a qualified expert using specialist analytical techniques. The defects included in this book encompass all aspects of high pressure steel pipeline manufacture, contruction and operation. The first section deals with defects that occur during steelmaking, rolling of the plate for pipe manufacture and the manufacturing process itself. The second section considers defects that may be introduced during the construction process. Section three deals with defects that initiate and grow after the pipeline has been commissioned. The fourth section deals with defects in the external pipe coating and the cathodic protection system and the final section provides examples of how defects interact to generate new or modified risks to pipeline integrity. Each section has been compiled and edited by experienced engineers with many years practical experience in pipeline engineering, metallurgy, welding, coatings and corrosion.

Price: £95.00

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