HOIS Guidance for More Effective Pipework Inspection – HOIS-G-010 Issue 1


HOIS Guidance for More Effective Pipework Inspection – HOIS-G-010 Issue 1
Patricia Conder and Mark Stone (Sonomatic)
e-publication, 225 p, April 2018
This document presents guidelines developed to improve the inspection of pipework. The guidance considers only internal degradation in the form of wall loss, e.g. corrosion and erosion, including preferential corrosion at welds. Its applicability does not extend to external corrosion or cracking type mechanisms, for example fatigue cracking, hydrogen-induced cracking and stress corrosion cracking, although similar principles of approach would apply.

The scope is also restricted to geometries for which there is access such that measurement of wall thickness can be made directly. This covers pipework elements and features including, for example, bends, tees and elbows, but excludes flanges, pipe supports, insulated components and overwrap repairs.

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Price: £100.00

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