The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing

Over its 50 years, the Institute has established itself as one of the country's leading engineering institutions, and has achieved professional engineering institute (PEI) status with the Engineering Council.
The object of the Institute is to promote the advancement of the science and practice of non-destructive testing, condition monitoring, diagnostic engineering and all other materials and quality testing disciplines. In achieving this aim, the Institute, which employs a permanent secretariat at its Northampton headquarters, relies on the support of personnel, companies and other organisations in the NDT and CM industries.
The individual expertise of the members adds up to an immense body of knowledge and expertise, and the Institute organises its work to obtain maximum benefit from this powerful resource.
In the UK and Europe, the Institute is influential in legislative circles, having input into the content of engineering and environment legislation. As Chair of the EC/EFTA Working Group, it is leading the way towards standardisation throughout the whole of Europe – not just the European Community and EFTA countries, but including eastern European countries as well.

The PCN (Personnel Certification in Non-Destructive Testing) Scheme is a flexible, reliable and cost-effective method of satisfying NDT personnel qualification and certification and quality management systems requirements. PCN was the first fully accredited personnel certification scheme under BS EN ISO 9712:2012. It is setting industry standards in the UK and displaying a leading role within Europe and worldwide.
The Certification Services Division of the Institute supports the PCN Scheme.
The British Institute of NDT is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). The following links will allow viewing and downloading of our schedules of accredited scopes:
- UKAS Certificate number 0030 (ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 to provide quality management systems certification): Schedule of accredited scope for quality management systems certification
- UKAS Certificate number 0030A (ISO/IEC 17024 - Personnel): Schedule of accredited scope for personnel certification.