Diversity and Inclusion

BINDT is committed to supporting its members in fulfilling their personal commitments and professional development, please click here if you are on or considering a career break.
The Institute has signed the Royal Academy of Engineering's Engineering Diversity Concordat, which indicates a commitment to diversity and inclusion that is shared by the UK's Professional Engineering Institutes. The following three core activities are highlighted in the Concordat as being necessary to improve diversity in PEIs:
- Communicate commitment to equality and inclusion principles and practices;
- Take action to increase diversity amongst those in professional engineering membership and registration;
- Monitor and measure progress.

Click here to download a copy of the signed Concordat.
BINDT recognises that it is necessary to be proactive to achieve improved diversity and inclusion. The Institute has established a Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group to consider how BINDT will carry out its responsibilities under the Concordat and promote the objectives of diversity and inclusion within the organisation, in its interactions with members and among the wider NDT community.

In this part of the BINDT website, information will be published pertaining to its commitment to diversity and inclusion, which will include the results of surveys, action plans, news of new initiatives and, eventually, a comprehensive new BINDT policy on Diversity and Inclusion.
If you have any suggestions or would like to participate in the work of the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group, then please email diversity@bindt.org
Diversity and Inclusion content
- Career Break Membership
- Diversity and Inclusion Forum
- Gail Long Early Career Woman Engineer of the Year Award
- Presentations
- Progression Framework
- Unconscious Bias