Ankit Vajpayee

This month we are profiling the new Secretary/Treasurer of the North American Branch of BINDT, Ankit Vajpayee. Ankit is Canadian, an area of North America previously under-represented in this column!

Ankit attended the University of Alberta, Canada, and worked as a research engineer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering until he made the switch in April 2004 to the challenging field of NDT by joining Russell NDE Systems in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Since that time, he has worked through a variety of NDT-related jobs and is now Vice President, Global Business. He holds CGSB Level 2 in eddy current testing and is a certified instructor in advanced electromagnetics, the eddy current technique and the remote field technique.

He spends most of his time providing advanced and customised inspection solutions to water and waste water, oil & gas, pulp and paper, electricity and power, and chemical and fertiliser industries around the world.

Ankit has:
  • Authored and co-authored over 30 technical articles and presented over 70 papers at conferences globally
  • Authored and co-authored inspection 
  • Participated and managed joint industry trials (on advanced technologies) with independent engineering agencies
  • Managed inspection projects globally
  • Conducted NDT training courses around the world
  • Performed application-specific feasibility studies.

He is also fluent in four languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian and Hindi.
Ankit is always a willing speaker at the ASNT conferences, helping to keep attendees up to date with advances in his realm of expertise. He points out how NDT methods have evolved during his career but maintains that the principle behind every method remains the same: “Ensure the safety and integrity of operating assets”.

Ankit offered the following when questioned about how NDT will look in the future: “Ageing infrastructure is increasingly in need of maintenance and inspection. Machinery and structures will continue to have growth in complexity as the demands from the power generation and oil & gas industries accelerate. Increasing incidences of infrastructure failures, such as leakages in the nuclear field, pipeline explosions and refinery blasts, have provoked the creation of stringent safety regulations with corresponding demand for NDT solutions.

“Rapid technological advancements and expanding end-user markets have accelerated the demand for NDT solutions. Artificial intelligence will be applied to the NDT solutions as the advanced inspection technology becomes more and more complex.”

Ankit is an extraordinary asset to the world of NDT and the North American Branch of BINDT is fortunate to welcome him to its management group. 

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