Buyers Guide

As I am writing this, the COVID-19 virus is making the news headlines virtually continuously, with countries in lockdown and people self-isolating. All aspects of life are being affected, including by the panic-buying of hand sanitiser and toilet rolls; the first I can understand, but toilet rolls I am struggling to understand why. I attend many meetings and these will have to be managed; one such meeting took place in Aberdeen and the carrier I was flying with ceased trading, citing the virus as the final straw that broke the camel’s back. All aspects of engineering will probably be affected to a greater or lesser extent and this will impact on all of our daily lives.

Back to business, as the saying goes, and I would like to share with you one of the more interesting enquiries that has come my way: ‘I am enquiring on behalf of a ‘non-technical’ friend who is involved in carving a very large and prestigious replica/replacement item in wood (I am not at liberty at this stage to mention the item or name the location). The mounting surfaces at the interface to the original main wooden structure are inaccessible. Are there any NDT methods available (including those under development, for example a university-based system) that can penetrate wooden structures and show voids in joint profiles, etc? Any organisation involved in this project might attract significant national publicity. Your assistance would be much appreciated’. It sounds like a very interesting challenge and my immediate thoughts were to consider ultrasonics, as I recall it being used for testing telegraph poles for internal decay, or radiography, another volumetric testing method. I have to remain impartial in these situations and fortunately there is a very good resource on the BINDT website called the ‘Buyers’ Guide’ (, to which I directed this person.

Depending on what you already know and what you are seeking, you can use this indispensable reference guide to rapidly access useful information on equipment and service providers that are Corporate Members of BINDT. This information is categorised into the following main sections:
  • Providers of NDT Equipment, Accessories and Consumables
  • Service Inspection Companies
  • Condition Monitoring Equipment Providers
  • Condition Monitoring Service Inspection
  • Education & Training Establishments
  • Research Organisations
  • Consulting.

If you are listed in the Buyers’ Guide, have received and been able to help with the above query and, more importantly, can tell the story, please contact us as it would probably be of interest to many readers.

Keep well.

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