Employer’s Responsibilities

Some of the employer’s responsibilities are listed in ISO 9712:2012. These responsibilities do not apply to all NDT certification schemes, as other rules may apply.

3.7 Employer 
Organisation for which the candidate works on a regular basis. 
Note: this may not be the organisation paying the salary, but the organisation requiring NDT inspections.

5.5 Employer 
5.5.3 In respect to certified personnel under their control, the employer shall be responsible for:
(a) all that concerns the authorisation to operate, ie providing job-specific training (if necessary)
(b) issuing the written authorisation to operate
(c) the results of NDT operations.

3.21 Operating authorisation
Written statement issued by the employer, based upon the scope of certification, authorising the individual to carry out defined tasks. 
Note: such authorisation can be dependent on the provision of job-specific training.

5.5.5 Certification to ISO 9712 provides an attestation of general competence of the NDT operator. It does not represent an authorisation to operate, since this remains the responsibility of the employer, and the certified employee may require additional specialised knowledge of parameters such as equipment, NDT procedure, materials and products specific to the employer.
Where required by regulatory requirements and codes, the authorisation to operate shall be given in writing by the employer in accordance with a quality procedure that defines any employer-required job-specific training.Here are a couple of the required items that need to be in place for all inspection tasks:

3.18 NDT procedure
A written description of all essential parameters and precautions to be applied when non-destructively testing products in accordance with standard(s), code(s) or specification(s).

3.16 NDT instruction
A written description of the precise steps to be followed in testing to an established standard, code, specification or NDT procedure.

Is your employer meeting all the requirements as listed in ISO 9712:2012 if they are providing NDT testing in accordance with this specification? Do you have access to the company Level 3 who has generated the NDT procedures and the Level 2 who has written the NDT instructions? Has your employer issued a written statement of operating authorisation and was any job-specific training given?

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