How the new standard affects you

Another standard has been published, which could affect the way you work: ISO 19285:2017 Non-destructive testing of welds – Phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) – Acceptance levels.

Section 5 covers the acceptance levels and for the evaluation three different acceptance levels are defined with the option for special application by agreement.

Section 7 covers the determination of length and height using diffracted signals and other signals and if time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) is used it refers to ISO 15626. Table 2 gives the acceptance criteria for Level 1 and for the thickness range 6 mm < t ≤ 15 mm the dimensions mentioned range from 1 mm to 2 mm, which are very exacting values.

Section 9.4 discusses the grouping of indications (point-like indications are not considered) and this will involve much sizing as a group of indications shall be considered as a single indication if the distance between two individual indications along the weld is less than the length of the longer indication. This will require accurate measurements with the second criteria being that the distance between two individual indications in thickness direction of the weld is less than the height of the higher indication. There is additional information in the standard, including a diagram showing a simple representation of three indications.

Where does the responsibility lie for ensuring that the operator both understands and is able to test to this requirement? BS EN ISO 9712 Section 5.5.3 states that the employer shall be responsible for providing job-specific training and issuing the written authorisation to operate. Is there now a need to manufacture a range of specimens that have indications that may or may not be considered as a single indication to ensure that the certificate holder is competent to size within the requirements of the standard?

On a different topic, the certification standard BS EN ISO 9712 and syllabus document CR ISO/TR 21057 are currently being revised and the subsequent revisions will impact a range of people involved in NDT, from the certificate holder to the employer via the trainers and examiners. When the revisions have been finalised, PCN will have a period of time to understand and implement the changes and will inform all scheme users of these changes.

On 11 October 2017, an Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR) event presented by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) was held at BINDT headquarters in Northampton to appraise attendees of the new Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017 (IRR17). I was unable to attend but have received great feedback on how useful the event was as well as claims that UK industry takes a significantly more proactive approach to radiation safety when compared to the medical and veterinarian field. Well done to all!

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