Magnetic particle inspection and demagnetisation

There are regulations in the UK and Europe that cover the limitations of exposure to electromagnetic fields, which specifically include magnetic particle inspection and demagnetisation. If you operate outside of the UK and Europe, local regulations apply. These regulations can be found in ‘The Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 – Statutory Instruments – No 588 Health and Safety’. In Part 2, titled ‘Exposure and Risk’, there is a section covering limitations on exposure to electromagnetic fields that states:

4. (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), an employer must ensure that employees are not exposed to electromagnetic field levels in excess of the ELVs.

‘ELV’ stands for ‘exposure limit value’. A useful website on electromagnetic field regulations is:

An additional document of interest is the ‘Non-binding guide to good practice for implementing Directive 2013/35/EU Electromagnetic Fields’ ( Volume 2 of the guide presents case studies covering magnetic particle inspection and demagnetisers. Section 5 explains how this will require risk assessments to be undertaken and may require additional precautions as a result.

Within this section, Figure 5.4 contains a plan view showing the contours within which the low action level (AL) and reference levels (RLs) given in the Council Recommendation (1999/519/EC) could be exceeded around a bench set/fixer equipment.

Figure 5.4. Magnetic particle inspection

Figure 5.5 contains a plan view showing the contours within which the high action level, low action level and reference levels given in the Council Recommendation (1999/519/EC) could be exceeded around the demagnetiser.

Figure 5.5. Demagnetiser

As an employer you have to comply with the requirements and as an employee you should be protected from excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields. It also has to be recognised that the equipment used is often bespoke to the application and some bench equipment has built-in demagnetising capabilities.

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