Managing procedures to meet the challenges presented in 2021

This month’s memorandum has been difficult to compose while trying to be mindful of what is now current news and how this will have moved on by the time this is published. The COVID pandemic is still rampant, with new mutations that appear to be more infectious coming to the forefront. The UK is back under lockdown and different parts of the world are being affected to a greater or lesser degree, with different levels of restriction in place. This obviously has an impact on work and PCN continues to manage the renewal and recertification processes in an efficient manner, circumstances allowing.

There are many different changing challenges that PCN is trying to deal with. Brexit has happened at the last minute and all the changes this has brought about are only now beginning to be fully understood. Already, different interpretations of the rules are apparent and causing concern. Again, as with COVID, Brexit is a new event that does not come with clear rules and there is little history to fall back on for guidance. For much of the world, Brexit will mean very little and, as PCN certification in NDT meets the requirements of an ISO standard, there are no implications for the majority of certificate holders; for the few where there are potential issues, solutions are being sought.

Just prior to Christmas, and again now that we are back at work, the training schools are talking with PCN to discuss how training and certification events can continue. The ideas being explored are exciting and innovative but need consideration against the external rules that govern PCN’s approval to offer certification to see what is permissible and what the end-user will accept. It will be interesting to see what transpires.

Recently, I have been reviewing some more reflective statements relating to the MSc offered by the University of Northampton and some of these are extremely interesting to read. Different cultures come in to play and the need for grit and determination to firstly survive and then thrive in difficult circumstances all come to the forefront and make me feel humble with my comfortable background and lifestyle.

Over the Christmas and New Year period, I did not come across any new technologies or innovations that piqued my interest and could have been useful for a memorandum, so I apologise for the lack of technical-type content. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you well as we all meet the challenges presented in 2021.

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