MSc Advanced Industrial Practice (NDT)

Since the sad passing of Roger Lyon, I have become much more involved in the activities that Roger handled. One of these is the MSc Advanced Industrial Practice (NDT), which was developed by the University of Northampton. The first year involves the use of a reflective statement and, whether or not you are interested in the MSc programme, a reflective statement can be a very interesting concept.

It can be very fulfilling if you take the time to consider what you have been able to achieve in your life and what experiences you have been subjected to. Starting with your school days, did you learn things that helped you later on in life? Not necessarily the academic subjects, but maybe how to play sports, how to organise a game, how to play fair and still win and how cheating could work in the short term but could give you an undesirable reputation. Did you gain qualifications that have since enabled you to progress your career? How has your career progressed and what have the highlights been? Also, what have the low points been and how did you cope with these in order to become a more rounded person (or not)?

From a personal viewpoint, being involved in family life and raising children is a significant achievement in its own right. How have you coped with the emotions of being part of a family, initially your birth family or adopted family and then a family unit of your own? Have you lost people who have been close to you and how did you cope? Have all of your relationships stayed the course or have you had to move on and were you able to pick up the pieces? Is your home and social life rewarding? Are you a member of a sports team or other club and how active are you? What other social activities do you pursue and do any of these put something back into society?

On the work front, have you been able to gain additional certification and academic qualifications? Do you have membership of a Professional Engineering Institute and, if so, have you progressed through the ranks of membership? Do you have Engineering Council registration? At work, are you in a position of seniority or working towards achieving such a role? Probably equally important, do you enjoy your work and find it rewarding?

By spending time reflecting on where your life has led you, it may be possible for you to consider how content you are and what you would like to spend more effort on to improve things. There are probably things that you wish you had done or had done better, but these are a part of your history and can make you stronger in the future.

The Institute can assist with your career with PCN certification, membership, Engineering Council registration and, with the University of Northampton, a foundation degree and a BSc Hons in NDT, along with the new MSc option. There are also local Branch meetings, seminars and exhibitions, and the website offers a range of information, including a job vacancies section, helplines and the Benevolent Fund for those in need.

I am fortunate in that I am content with where life has taken me; however, there are things that, with hindsight, I would have changed and people I have lost who meant a great deal to me. I also have the opportunity to write articles such as this but, more importantly, I have a diverse work brief that introduces me to interesting people and practices, and includes worldwide travel. I also have both hobbies and interests.

The above is not the criteria for the MSc, just a set of ideas that may help you to reflect on where life has taken you and whether or not you want to change direction or remain as you are. I wish you all well for the future.

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