CM Awards

Institute Awards 

The Institute presents the following CM awards:


Award criteria

Purpose: The COMADIT Prize is awarded annually by the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing to recognise a significant contribution over a period of at least 5-10 years through research and development in any branch of condition monitoring to the benefit of industry or society.

Details of the award: The prize will be in the form of full-time registration at the NDT Annual Conference with three night's accommodation, a certificate and a cash sum of £350. Invitations to sponsor the prize will be issued each year to all Corporate members of the Institute. When more than one organisation desires to be the sponsor, the selection shall be by lot. The sponsor’s name will be prominently mentioned in all publicity associated with the prize for the year in question and will be featured on the Honours Board at the Institute HQ.

Eligibility: The prize may be won by any research worker or group of named research workers. 

This is intended to recognise contributions over a period of at least 5-10 years.

The proposer of the award should be a voting member of the Institute. If they are not, they will need to ensure the application is endorsed by an Institute voting member.

Frequency: The prize will be awarded annually and will only be issued if suitable nominations are received.

Nomination arrangements: Nominations should be submitted by email to:

Nominations for the award will be reviewed by the CM Sub-Committee. If there is only one nomination, then the CM Sub-Committee should vote to confirm whether the nomination is eligible and, if so, to approve the award. 

If there is more than one nomination, then the entries should be sent for judging by a panel set up for the purpose. Four members of the panel are to be appointed by the CM Sub-Committee. Each judge will be invited to score the entries on a point scale of 0 to 3 and send the scores to Karen Cambridge, who will total the scores, and the entry receiving the most points will be declared the winner.  

Awarding arrangements:
The prize will normally be presented at the CM Annual Conference during the Conference Dinner by the Chair of the CM Sub-Committee.

Committee: CM Sub-Committee.

A nomination form can be downloaded here.


2023 winner:
Honor Powrie FREng FInstP
Sponsor: PCN Working Groups

The COMADIT Prize for 2023 is awarded to Honor Powrie FREng FInstP, who has worked in the aerospace industry for over 30 years and is renowned for her expertise in machinery health monitoring and asset management.

Since 2007, Honor has worked for General Electric (GE), where she is a Senior Director and currently leads GE Aerospace’s UK Data Science group, delivering innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions for managing aviation assets. Prior to GE, Honor held positions with Smiths Aerospace, the University of Southampton spin-out company Stewart Hughes Ltd and the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough (now QinetiQ). She has published more than 60 papers on condition monitoring (CM) and related topics.

Honor has been involved in a diverse range of technical programmes, from deploying bespoke engine debris monitoring sensors for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft to qualifying the landing gear for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. She has also developed CM solutions for other engineering domains, including wind turbines, land vehicles, industrial power gas turbines and oil & gas infrastructure. Her areas of expertise include systems, hardware and software engineering; product development and integration; and machinery health, usage and management (HUMS) technologies, including sensing, integration, signal processing, big data and advanced analytics. Honor has pioneered the application of AI/ML for tackling complex CM problems, as well as prognostics and health management (PHM) solutions for asset usage and management. Her roles have ranged from research and development (R&D), applications, technology and product development, customer facing and programme management to group leader and strategist.

Honor also developed electrostatic monitoring technology for lubrication systems and established a long-term research partnership with the University of Southampton. Since 2011, Honor has been a Visiting Professor at the National Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS), where she is currently Honorary Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Visiting Professor in Data and Analytics, Asset Condition Monitoring and Management. In her role as Visiting Professor, Honor performs industrial liaison activities with the University of Southampton, including joint research programmes, industrial consultation, PhD and undergraduate project supervision, delivering guest lectures and mentoring.

Honor is a Fellow of RAEng and the Institute of Physics (IOP). She is Deputy Chair of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Tribology Group Committee (TGC) and a member of the IOP TGC.

Past winners:
Prof A D Hope
Laser Optical Engineering Ltd
Dr T Holroyd 
J R Technology and RMS Ltd
Mr C Pearson 
Staffordshire University
Dr M Walters
Mr S Mills and Mr D Whittle 
SpectraQuest Inc
Mr S Greenfield and Mr D Shorten
Ardrox Engineering
Dr J Twiddle and Dr S Muthuraman
PCN Working Groups
Mr K Seaborne and Dr J H Yebra
PCN Working Groups
Professor Len Gelman
PCN Working Groups
Professor Ling Wang PCN Working Groups
Professor Andrew Starr
PCN Working Groups
Professor Siamak Noroozi
PCN Working Groups
2020Professor Andrew BallPCN Working Groups
David Manning-Ohren
PCN Working Groups
Tim Stevenson
PCN Working Groups 

A nomination form can be downloaded here.

The Len Gelman Award

Award criteria

Purpose: The award is for the best paper published in the Proceedings of the CM Annual Conference by a person in the early stages of his/her career or within the first five years of full-time employment (subject to a satisfactory oral presentation). The person concerned (or one of them, if there is more than one author who qualifies) must also present the paper in person at the Conference and, at the discretion of the session chair, answer any questions from the audience.

Details of the award: The award will be in the form of a certificate backed by a cash sum of £300. In addition, free membership of the Institute at an appropriate grade will be given to the winner for one year.

Eligibility: The author of the paper must either be a student or within the first five years of full-time employment. He/she need not be a member of the Institute. In the case of multiple authorship, the early career-stage criterion must be satisfied by the first or second named author. If other authors also satisfy the criterion, the cash award is to be shared between all those authors satisfying the criterion, with each receiving a certificate. The free membership for one year is for the presenting author only.

Frequency: It is anticipated the award will be made annually.

Nomination arrangements: The author of an abstract and full paper for the event can indicate they wish to be considered when submitting online.

Four members of the panel are to be appointed by the CM Sub-Committee. Each judge will be invited to score the entries on a point scale of 0 to 3 and send the scores to Karen Cambridge, who will total the scores, and the entry receiving the most points will be declared the winner, subject to a satisfactory oral presentation. 

Awarding arrangements: The award will be presented annually at the CM Annual Conference Closing Ceremony.
Committee: CM Sub-Committee.


2024 winners:
S Al-Nasser, S Noroozi and A Harvey

The Len Gelman Award for 2024 is presented to S Al-Nasser, S Noroozi and A Harvey from Bournemouth University, UK, for their paper, titled: 'Cadaveric testing of a novel sensor for non-destructive load balancing in total knee replacements (TKRs)'.

Past winners:
2008    D Clifton
2009    P McGetrick
2010    S L Chen
2011    Dr R Jones
2012    M Palo
2013    O Cardona-Morales
2014    G Cablea
2015    G Song
2016    M A A Ismail / S Kolbe
2017    Mr V Jantara Junior
2018    Yuandong Xu, Fengshou Gu, Andrew D Ball and Jingzhou Fei
2019    K Kalista, J Liska, J Jakl and V Vasicek
2020    No Award
2021    G Iarriccio and O Kennedy Aimiyekagbon
2022    J Liska, J Jakl and S Kunkel
2023    Z Tian, S Wang, D Merk and R Wood

The CM Innovation Award

Award criteria

Purpose: For a significant contribution to technology innovation, technology transfer or technology strategy in the field of condition monitoring (CM) over a period of at least 5-10 years.

Details of the award: A certificate, £300 cash and an invitation to the CM Annual Conference Dinner, with free registration for the day and one night’s accommodation for either the individual winner or, in the case of a group winner, a nominated representative.

Eligibility: Nominees can be individuals or groups who have made a significant contribution to CM technology through R&D technology transfer into industry or who have developed a strategy that has led to technology development and exploitation.

This is intended to recognise contributions over a period of at least 5-10 years.

The proposer of the award should be a voting member of the Institute. If they are not, they will need to ensure the application is endorsed by an Institute voting member.

Frequency: It is anticipated that one award will be made annually providing suitable nominations are received.  

Nomination arrangements: Nominations should be submitted by email to:

Nominations for the award will be reviewed by the CM Sub-Committee. If there is only one nomination, then the CM Sub-Committee should vote to confirm whether the nomination is eligible and, if so, to approve the award. 

If there is more than one nomination, then the entries should be sent for judging by a panel set up for the purpose. Four members of the panel are to be appointed by the CM Sub-Committee. Each judge will be invited to score the entries on a point scale of 0 to 3 and send the scores to Karen Cambridge, who will total the scores, and the entry receiving the most points will be declared the winner. 
Awarding arrangements: The certificate and cash prize will be presented to the winner at the CM Annual Conference during the Conference Dinner by the Chair of the CM Sub-Committee.

Committee: CM Sub-Committee.


2023 winner:
Tat-Hean Gan

The CM Innovation Award for 2023 is awarded to Tat-Hean Gan.

Tat-Hean has a first-class honours degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the University of Nottingham, an MSc in advanced mechanical engineering with distinction and a PhD in engineering specialising in advanced ultrasonic imaging, both from the University of Warwick, and an Executive MBA from the University of Birmingham. He has worked as an academic and in industry for many years, has published more than 100 papers and contributed to several books on non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition monitoring (CM). Tat-Hean obtained CEng, EurIng and IntPE (UK) status and is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT), the International Society of Condition Monitoring (ISCM), the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM) and The Welding Institute. He is also Professor of Structural Integrity in the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences at Brunel University

As well as being TWI’s Director of Membership, Innovation and Global Operations, Tat-Hean led the creation of the £1.2 billion TWI Innovation Network, which comprises an international network of research and technology organisations (RTOs), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large enterprises and universities. He is Director of the TWI-based National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC), the UK’s first industry-led postgraduate education and research centre in structural integrity, and Director of the Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC), a partnership between Brunel University London and TWI. His research interests include NDT, CM, signal and image processing, sensors development, artificial intelligence, digital twins and asset integrity management.

Past winners:
2017    Dr Ruhul Amin
2018    Dr Jérôme Lacaille
2019    Dr Zhike Peng
2020    Robert Cutler
2021    Professor Dr Hamid Reza Karimi
2022    Professor Dr Georg Herborg and Dr Christian Svendsen

A nomination form can be downloaded here.

etails of all Institute awards can be found here.