UK NANDTB Documents
UK National Aerospace NDT Board
Please note the change of address for the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, United Kingdom. All documents will be amended as and when they are reviewed.

The NANDTB Secretariat, which is provided by The British Institute of NDT, publishes and controls the documentation approved by the Board for publication. The following are the stages of the process:
- The Secretary drafts documents at the request of the Board, or receives drafts from members' nominees;
- Drafts are progressed through committee to final approval by the Board (no logo or issue date indicates draft in progress);
- Documents are published and distributed, recording status in this document;
- Documents are reviewed and revised after a defined period (document life), then
- Documents are resubmitted for approval by the Board (or the same body as originally approved the document).
Reference | Title | Issue date | Revision | Review date |
NAndtB 01 | NAndtB document control | 04-04-2022 |
Issue 2 | 04-2025 |
NAndtB 02 | NAndtB aims and objectives | 05-09-2022 | Issue 9 | 05-09-2025 |
NAndtB 03 | NAndtB constitution | 10-12-2019 |
Issue 8 | 10-12-2021 |
NAndtB 04 | NAndtB terms of reference | 28-02-2022 | Issue 5 | 02-2025 |
NAndtB 05 | NAndtB method of operation | 15-04-2024 | Issue 5 | 15-04-2027 |
NAndtB 06 | List of NAndtB Board Members |
14-10-2024 | as dated | n/a |
NAndtB 09 | Co-option to the membership of the UK NAndtB |
15-04-2024 | Issue 5 | 15-04-2027 |
NAndtB 10 | Policy on recognition of PCN aerospace certificates | 20-06-2024 |
Issue 4 | 20-06-2027 |
NAndtB 12 | Accreditation of training and examination agencies [see OAQS2 for register of agencies accredited] | 20-04-2022 | Issue 8 | 20-04-2022 |
NAndtB_14 |
Policy on training and approval of initial personnel in new NDT technologies | 18-06-2024 reviewed on 26-02-2019 | Issue 3 | 18-06-2027 |
NAndtB 16 | Essential information to be included on Qualifying agency training and examination reports and/or certificates | 17-12-2018 | Issue 8 | 17-12-2020 |
NAndtB 17 | Limited Level 2 policy | 11-09-2023 | Issue 6 |
11-09-2026 |
NAndtB 18 | NDT method or technique – training and certification guidance | 05-12-2017 | Issue 1 rev D |
05-12-2019 |
NAndtB 19 | Combined composites NDT personnel guidance | 18-06-2024 | Issue 5 |
18-06-2024 |
NAndtB_21 | Overseas affiliations to the UK NAndtB – Withdrawn 2015-06-19 – Please refer to AD010 | Withdrawn |
NAndtB_22 | Use of the NANDTB logo | 28-02-2022 | Issue 5 |
28-02-2025 |
NAndtB_23 |
UK NANDTB policy on certification of responsible Level 3's and certification of Level 3 personnel using the credit system in accordance with EN 4179 |
Reviewed on 20-06-2017 |
Issue 2 |
20-06-2019 |
NAndtB_24 | Near vision standard – Withdrawn – Superseded by ISO 18490 |
NAndtB_25 |
Training for administration of vision acuity test (unprotected PowerPoint file) |
04-04-2022 |
Issue 5 |
01-2025 |
NAndtB_26 |
UK NAndtB frequently asked questions – with answers |
09-12-2015 | As dated |
n/a |
NAndtB_27 | Qualification equivalencies for minimum experience requirements for Level 3 | 04-04-2022 | Issue 4 | 03-2025 |
NAndtB_28 |
Record of suggested changes to next issue of EN4179 |
09-12-2017 | Issue 3 |
n/a |
NAndtB_28_A | Record of all requests to EN4179:2021 for consideration by the harmonisation committee | 04-04-2022 | Issue 1 | |
NAndtB_29 | Policy on remote NDT | 28-02-2022 | Issue 1 | 28-02-2025 |
NAndtB_30 | 3D non-film radiographic testing training and qualification | 10-09-2024 | Issue 3 | 10-09-2027 |
Annual Reports | Issue date | |||
NANDTB2006 |
NANDTB 2006 Annual Report | 31-12-2006 |
NANDTB2007 |
NANDTB 2007 Annual Report | 31-12-2007 |
NANDTB2009 |
NANDTB 2009 Annual Report |
14-12-2009 |
NANDTB2010 |
NANDTB 2010 Annual Report |
04-05-2011 |
NANDTB2011 |
NANDTB 2011 Annual Report |
01-02-2012 |
Minutes of meetings held | ||||
20/M1 | NAndtB 20M1 – Northampton (70th) | |||
21/M1 | NAndtB 21M1 – Virtual (71st) | |||
22/M2 | NAndtB22M2 – Virtual (72nd) | |||
Archive of previous meetings held |